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I woke up Saturday morning with a hangover and a foul taste in my mouth

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I woke up Saturday morning with a hangover and a foul taste in my mouth. I groaned as I sat up and took a moment to decide whether I was going to throw up or brush my teeth. As the wave of nausea passed, I stood up and headed into the bathroom, sitting on the closed toilet as I brushed my mouth clear of the bitter taste of alcohol. I shuddered as I thought about the drinks I'd down the night before, cursing Amit and his poor choice to start me off with absinthe. Absinthe. It was a wonder I even remembered half the night.

As I sat, I walked myself through the events of the evening, rolling my eyes when I thought about how I'd done the robot for a small crowd that cheered me on. My brushing slowed to a stop as I worked my way up to when Loren showed up. Oh my god. Oh my god I had kissed Loren. Not just kissed, full on made out. Me. With Loren. Holy hell what had I been thinking? It had amazing and just thinking about it got my heart racing, but what had I been thinking? Loren wasn't interested in me. He'd made that clear. And yet I pursued the matter - while drunk - and pinned it on my attempt to show up Andrea. What had I been thinking? I mean, sure, her face had really made it all that much better, but my drunk ass had thought that there was no better idea than kissing Loren right then and there. I desperately hoped I hadn't ruined the friendship. Again. God, I needed a shock collar or something.

I showered in an attempt to reduce the thudding headache I had, and ate a light breakfast to keep from puking. When I finally felt well enough to start the day, I stared at my phone sitting across the room, scowling. A nagging voice in the back of my head said that I needed to call Loren to apologize (again) for doing something stupid, but I also didn't want to face him.

In a desperate mood, I nearly called Annabel to talk it over, but I knew that that would be asking for trouble, so instead, I chewed on my lip and kept staring at the phone, hoping a simple solution would come to me. When it didn't, I worked up the courage to reach over and grab the phone, forcing myself to handle the situation like an adult.

I yelped when the phone buzzed in my hand, tossing it onto the couch. I paced about the seating area, glancing every so often at the phone. It buzzed again to remind me that I had an unread message. An unread message from a certain great kisser.

Finally, I worked up the courage and retrieved my phone, reading the text.

Want to do lunch? My treat.

I made a face, knowing that I had to respond, and typed out a response.

How about I make us lunch? Less guilt about you always buying me food.

I figured that if we got into a yelling match or one of us (me) started crying, it was better to be in a private place. Less embarrassment that way.

Loren agreed and said he'd be over in an hour, so I made my bed, hid my bills, and started lunch. When there was a knock on the door, my stomach tightened and I washed my hands before heading over to the door, opening it slowly. Loren stood on the other side.

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