chapter eight.

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it had been a rough day. and what she didn't know was that it was about to be a much rougher week. the girl got back to her apartment, sighing under her breath. she made a beeline for her room, she needed sleep. especially after the day she'd had. her hands shook ever so slightly as she opened the door to her room, rubbing her eyes as they adjusted to the darkness of her room. she walked slowly to her bed, not caring enough to take off her uniform. she was too out of it for that at the moment. now she just needed to get an hour of sleep before her kids got back from school.

she managed to rest for about an hour, before she heard the door to her apartment open. the girl yawned as she got up, exiting her room. she took slow steps to the door, smiling as she greeted the three kids that had just entered the house. a smile crossed their own faces as they saw her. kai picked her youngest son, charles, up, looking at the older twins, jason and lucy.
" heyy, kiddos. was school alright today? have fun? "
they smiled happily, nodding.
" yeah, i think i aced my test today in math class. it's been a pretty hard subject. "
jason mentioned with a smile. kai hugged him.
" great job, kid. i'm proud of you. "
she gave a tired smile back, and the kids could already tell what was up. kai ran a hand through her hair, putting charles down.
" alright, i'm gonna go get started on dinner. "
she muttered. the kids all watched as she headed to the kitchen.

in the middle of making dinner, kai got a phone call. without looking at the number, she picked it up.
" this is kai lenore speaking, what's up? "
she asked, phone to her ear as she turned the oven on.
" heyyyyy, kai! it's hen. so.. you think you'd be free tomorrow night to come out with us? everyone from the station is gonna go out and have a little fun, we all just wanna treat ourselves. you gonna come? "
kai pursed her lips, thinking about the decision as she put the dish into the oven.
" alright.. yeah. "
she wasn't much of a person to go out, but refusing would be rude. besides.. going out with her friends for a little while wouldn't hurt. she needed to get out more. hen finally hung up.

the twins and charles all sat in the living room, watching tv as they just relaxed. lucy glanced at jason, tapping his shoulder.
" hey, jay? "
he looked over, extremely curious. lucy sighed.
" mom's acting weird again. "
jason nodded quietly, he had a pretty down look on his face.
" i.. she must've lost someone on call again today. and it must've been bad. "
he muttered. their mom never acted weird. something big, an extremely big death must've happened for her to be acting so weird. their mother didn't just start staring into space out of nowhere. charles pouted a little.
" mommy's sad..? "
he asked, looking at the older siblings. they nodded slowly.
" yeah, charlie.. but it's okay, because mom's strong, and she's happy when we're around. "
lucy assured the young kid, finally.

after a few more quiet minutes, kai walked slowly into the living room.
" dinner's ready, kiddos. "
she smiled as she headed back into the kitchen. the trio of kids all got up, heading into their dining room as they sat down at the table. kai smiled softly as she sat down with them.
" so.. tell me about school today. "
lucy looked at her mom.
" oh! well.. uh- i had a presentation today. nothing crazy happened through, it was a really boring day. just random classes. "
she said, her tone extremely casual. jason smiled.
" yeah. same here, besides my math test. nothing much else really happened. "
kai nodded, turning to look at charles.
" and what about you, munchkin? "
she asked softly, a kind smile still on her face. charles smiled happily.
" i did show and tell today! i took in a picture of mommy from work, and i talked about how cool she is! "
kai looked at him, her heart was extremely warmed.
" honey.. that's sweet of you. "
lucy smiled more.
" you really presented about mom and her job as a cool firefighter? "
she asked, her eyebrow raised a little.  charles was basically beaming.
" yeah!"

and so, following dinner, kai cleaned up the dishes and put the kids to bed. she was back to work tomorrow.. and tomorrow was gonna be a big day.

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