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Pop music blared from the car radio as the pitch-black BMW pulled into the loop driveway. 48 Kingston Drive. The epitome of wealth in Milton Brooke. The estate even topped all of the houses in Harrisburg, the ever-so-rich city right next to Milton Brooke. The car door swung open and as elegantly as an intoxicated teenager could, Isla Grey exited the front passenger side of the vehicle. From the backseat, a gaggle of similarly aged girls- Isla's equally-as-rich friends, had already poured out of the car and were now trying to keep their composure. All that was left was for Lara Collins, the designated driver for this outing, to exit the car. The stench of weed and alcohol was just barely disguised under the ridiculous amount of sugary perfume the girls had taken turns spraying on themselves until the bottle was nearly empty.

The first to stumble through the doors, Esme Harris, was met with a not-so-pleasant sight, at least for the situation the girls were in. Sat in a slate grey armchair facing the front door was Victoria, Isla's fourteen-year-old sister. As Isla walked through the large entryway, her facial expression turned from blissful to irritated. "Dad's still at the office if you were wondering." She cringed. "You should get to bed before he gets home and realises what trainwrecks you are." Isla scoffed, taking off her heels and hanging up her expensive coat on the hanger.

Shortly after, the group of girls made their way to Isla's room. Three of the girls, Eva Lamar, Taylor Hurley, and of course Esme were wrapped up in conversation regarding Anthony Marcel, a boy from their high school whom Taylor had developed a crush on.

"Can you believe that?" Taylor, who had been gleefully smiling only seconds before, cried out. She was on the verge of sobs. "I mean why the Hell would Mikayla say that if it wasn't true?!" She cupped her head in her hands, no longer caring that she would most likely ruin her hours-old makeup.

"I'm sure she's just messing with you." Eva attempted to comfort her friend, though she knew that it would be nearly impossible. "Yeah! After all, she is super close with Kylie and I heard from Camille that Ky's completely obsessed with him." Taylor didn't reply. "Besides what does Mikayla know?! I mean, yeah they're brother and sister but like I don't even know my sister's favorite colour let alone who she likes!" Taylor rolled her eyes. "Your sister is in college. You don't even see her weekly," she mumbled.

On the other side of the room, Isla, who was now in her pajamas, was busy trying to drown out the incessant gossiping of her three friends. It was nights like these that she wished she could just pull out a knife and stab the three of them. Or at the very least kick them out and never talk to them again. But she wouldn't—she couldn't. They were basically the only people she was close with. If she cut them out, she'd only have Lara and Bea and if she was stuck with those two then clearly she had made the wrong decision.

She loved both Lara and Bea, but Lara was her rival, and Bea was, well Bea. Her rivalry with Lara didn't affect their relationship, though. All that it truly was was just a little friendly competition between long-time friends but if that was all she had, she'd cry. So as annoying as those three could be, they wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

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