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"Talking"  'Thinking...


Derek raked his claws into a tree. He and the pack tracked Stiles's scent until in completely disappeared. They found both blood and the boys phone, both of which scared, or angered, or worried the man. Derek gripped his hands right into fists and calmed his breathing slightly as they tracked around the area bit by bit. They agreed to keep Erica home and safe for the time being, she was tired and had been locked up for days in god knows conditions. Derek again raised his clawed hand to track them down the bark of a tree and mark up the area as search when Isaac and Jackson started toward him again with nothing. The alpha spun around before his beta's met him to search a different are he had a good feeling about.

    He pushed at a bush the get aside it and step over a tree trunk that had fallen years before, the wood already rotting with mushrooms and moss growing from it. Derek heard someone kick the wood as they followed and passed it, stumbling forward and catching himself as the other laughed. The alpha grit his teeth thinking about how they could laugh with stiles missing. He snapped a hand up catching movement to the left and catching Isaacs chest to his palm. He watched them and flared his red eyes when he got nothing. The forest was cold in all areas, colder in said spot when, if you were an animal, it should be warmer. The alpha lowered his arm.

    "I know you're there." He growled letting his teeth sharped and claws grow out. Isaac met his side flaring his golden yellow eyes as Jackson did the same snapping his tail out at the ready.

    The male vampire creeped up, standing and grinning at the wolves. "No need to be so feisty." The man flashed his teeth playfully as he spoke.

    The man's eyes slipped back to glance behind himself when he shot up, flipping back and landing to easily kick Scott in the back and send him rolling forward with a growl. Next landing his hand on Allison, one of Scott's group partners, and gripped her throat. She hissed and swung around. Dropping her weight and flipping as she kicked one leg over the vampires arm and used the second the kick the man in the face. He was taken back by the attack allowing the woman to actually land a hit on him. Scott stood wide eyed as Isaac joined him with a similar reaction. Jackson of course only scoffed acting as if he were the first to know.

    Derek growled and started forward, blocking the other alpha and his beta by stepping in front of the two and landing a soft hand to Allison's shoulder. She swallowed snapping her eyes to him, an amber brown and growing more red with her slow transition. The alpha nodded softly at the woman and focused on the male vampire with a glare.

    "She's turning!" He yelled. "She got bit during our attack when she interfered with king. That's why he expected change to come soon." The vampire grinned as Allison smacked her tongue.

    The man laughed throwing back his head with wide eyes. "She's dangerous you know." He looked to Derek. "Keep treating it carelessly and when she's fully turned she'll be ripping you and your pack to shreds." Derek growled. "Maybe that's what we'll do, wait for you to rid us if your mutts and Sanctor."

Allison gripped her wrist tightly in worry. Her scent was slowly disappearing but still there, Derek could smell the fear on her. He also took note of what the vampire said. 'Allison take care of us yes, but stiles, did they not have him?' The alpha slimmed his eyes and straightened his back as he looked the other up and down with a nasty look.

"Right. We'll keep it in mind." He snapped with a grin as Cora slashed his ankles sliding down. He smelt her scent and took it as a clue to get back on track.

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