Can Ben be my boyfriend? ^\\\\^
~@That1MinecraftWriterBen: Uhh... What!? 0///0 I know I said that I was flatter before and that you could play with my joystick but I'm sorry baby. *points to self* This boy will never date. *smiles evilly*
Jeff: Damn...
Jack: That's harsh bro...
Ben: Ehh whatevea... :3 I would only date a girl and I'm dating that girl :3
Hiraite: And who are you dating? *raises eyebrows*
Ben: Games ^\\\\^ Especially "The Legend Of Zelda" games. Because-
Jack: Because of your crush on Zelda. We know dude... You talk about her all the damn time...
Ben: Really?
Masky: Yes actually...
Ben: -_- Prove it...
Masky: Well it was yesterday when you were reading a comic, in your room, about Legend Of Zelda and you were on the chapter where Shadow Link was banging Zelda...
Ben: And..??
Masky: kept moaning... with your pants down... and your 'joystick' out...
Ben: 0////0 *blushes madly* How do you know that shit!?!?
Hoodie: That would be me... *comes out of the shadows* :3 you need to cover you windows and drown out your moans... Can't believe no one else heard them... *laughs*
Ben: *is too shocked* 0.0
Hiraite: Well @That1MinecraftWriter... Looks like that's a no... And I'm staying away from this- *points to Ben* -perv forever.... -_-
Ben: *still has a shocked expression* 0.0

Ask The Creepypastas
RandomThe gang of Creepypastas are back! Hiraite and the gang are here to answer questions and do dares from the readers! Read about how the gang deals with the questions and dares that the readers leave them and find out how to leave questions and dares...