22. real life and instagram

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"Okay. this is it. i'm getting married!" spoke Madeline under her breath.

"I love you Maddie," spoke her father, his voice trembling slightly. "i'm so so so proud of you, let's get you married, Darling!"

"don't let me fall," she spoke, looking up at her father.

"i won't don't worry."

As they began their descent down the fairy light-lit aisle, soft music began playing; I Cant Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley, the couples favourite song.

Madeline cautiously looked up, her eyes meeting Harry's, tears pricked the corners of their eyes as a wide smile appeared on both of their faces. Suddenly, Harry began to cry, tears streaming down his face as he admired the beauty that was his bride. The small platform felt miles away from her but she arrived faster than he could believe.

"We are all here to witness the marriage of Harry Edward Styles and Madeline Liana Blake, who gives this girl away to this man?" the officiant spoke.

"I do." Madelines father spoke lightly, giving her hand to Harry's. Instinctively, Madeline went in to kiss Harry, immediately pulling away laughing since they weren't supposed to kiss until they have said 'I do'.

In that moment, the world fell silent. The couple gazed into each other's eyes, love evident in both of theirs. They mouthed 'i love you' to each other as the officiant began talking all of the legal things. The words "speak now or forever hold your peace" broke them both out of their trace. A comfortable silence overtook the beach, assuring Madeline and Harry that it was all going to be okay.

"Harry, repeat after me: I, Harry, take you Madeline, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part"

Harry repeated those words effortlessly, not once breaking eye contact from Madeline.

Then it was Madeline's turn.

"I, Madeline, take you, Harry, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

Besides Madeline, Lola and Arabella were in shambles, their rose coloured dresses matching the colour of their tear stained faces. They were watching their best friend finally marry the love of her life.

Finally, it was almost the best part: the kiss.
But first, the rings.

"Harry, place this ring on the edge of Madelines finger and repeat after me; Madeline, i give you this ring as a token of my love, a reminder of the vows we have shared, with this ring, i thee wed"

Madeline went through the same process, placing the ring on Harry's finger, confessing her undying love for him, and gently placing on his finger fully.

"Harry, do you take this girl to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, to have and to hold from this day forward?"

"I do." Harry spoke with the biggest smile on his face.

"Madeline, do you take this man to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, to have and to hold from this day forward?"

"I do" Madeline struggled to say in between sobs.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, Harry, you may kiss your bride!" At those words, Harry dipped Madeline, bringing their lips together for the first time as husband and wife. The guests rose to their feet, cheering and clapping for the newly weds.

To Love ~ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now