"I've got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles. His Jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means.." The sheriff spoke in a low voice, hiding his panic as he stood in front of Scott, Marisa and Isaac in the locker room "The hell, I don't know what that means...Um, look, if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if either one of you see him..."
"We'll call you." Isaac nodded
"Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. We'll find him." Scott assured him
"Yeah... I'll see you, okay?" Stilinski spoke before walking away.
Marisa started to go through Stiles's gym locker "You're gonna find him by scent?" Isaac asked
"Yeah. We all are." Scott nodded. Marisa handed Scott one of Stiles's shirts and then Isaac, a shoe
"But how come you get his shirt, and I get a shoe?" Isaac asked and Scott and Marisa gave him a look.
"I'm gonna go to my locker and get his sweatshirt" Marisa told Scott before walking away and Scott nodded. He looked down, smelling Stiles's shirt before furrowing his brows
"Why the hell is Stiles's sweat shirt in her locker?" Isaac asked with furrowed brows, thinking the same thing as Scott. Scott shrugged, also confused.
Marisa walked back towards the locker room with stilled black sweat shirt in her hands and pressed against her face as she breathed it in before stopping abruptly at the sight of Derek and Peter standing a few feet away together. Marisa's eyes widened
"What the hell?!" She spoke loudly, pointing at Peter
"Hear him out" Derek told her. Marisa looked at him shocked
"Do..do u remember the last time u 'heard him out'?" Marisa asked as she walked up to them "might I remind u of a certain throat slashing?" She asked "speaking of..." she gestured to Peter "how the hell is he alive?!" She snapped, looking at them confused
"Where's Scott?" Derek asked. Marisa scoffed
"The locker room" she answered
"Ok. Let's go" he told her as he and Peter turned to walk away. Marisa groaned, still in shock as she followed them
The three walked into the locker room making isaac and Scott look up, Scott's eyes widening
"What the hell?!" He asked, pointing at Peter. He
looked at Marisa and she shrugged"I just found out" she told him, putting her hands in the air as she made her way over, standing besides him
"What the hell is this???" Scott asked Derek
"You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the Sheriff's station..." Derek told Scott, slightly angrily
"Okay, hold on! He-he threatened to kill my mom! And I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?"
"I'm gonna go with Scott on this one. Have you seen his mom? She's gorgeous!" Peter spoke up
"Shut up!" Derek and Scott told him sternly in unison
"Who is he?" Isaac asked Marisa
"That's Peter, Derek's uncle. A little while back, he tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire, and Derek slashed his throat." She shrugged
"Hi." Peter waved to Isaac
"That's good to know." Isaac nodded before furrowing his brows "wait. Wouldn't that make him ur uncle?" He asked Marisa.

NIGHTMARE | Teen Wolf |Scott/Stiles
Fanfiction"When ur someone like me..u don't get very much out of life. A stable home, a good school life, friends, good grades. I've got none of those..except the one exception, my best friend Calin, of course. She's pretty much all I've ever had. At least un...