Chapter 1

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It's been 12 years since that night. Since what My fathers never wanted me to know came into the light.

I stared at Chuck as I hold him in my hand. I hugged him and set him down on my bed. I grabbed my Duffel and walked over to my door "Munchkin hurry up and get down here!"

I groaned as I opened the door. I'm 18 and still Dean treats me like I'm his little boy. I ran down the hall and ran into a girl as she walked out of my uncle Sam's room "I'm so sorry" I said as I ran past her

I stopped. "Wait Uncle Sam doesn't bring girls here" I spun around as I pulled out my knife and pinned her against the wall "Who are you" I growled

" Dallas let her go."

I looked at my uncle "Who is she"

Sam reached over and pulled my knife away from her neck "she's a friend Dal. Now let her go"

I backed away from her and she breathed in relief. She held out her hand "I'm Lilly. I take you're Dallas"

I ignored her hand and nodded "what's going on here?"

I looked at my Dad "Nothing Dad. Just a little miss understanding"

Cass looked at Lilly "Are you okay? Did Dallas hurt you?"

Lilly shook her head and smiled "I'm fine Cass as Dallas said it was a little miss understanding"

I growled and walked out into the library. I flopped on one of the chairs and pulled out my knife twirling it in my hand "Happy Birthday Dallas"

I looked up at Dean "Thanks Pop"

I sighed. Dean sat next to me "What wrong Munchkin?"

I pointed towards the picture of Charlie one the wall "She died on my birthday Pop. You know that 3 years ago she was sitting where you are. When that demon came in here"

Dean bowed his head and nodded softly "I know Dal but still its your birthday"

I stood up and shook my head. "I don't care about my birthday. I'm going to go visit Charlie"

Dean nodded slowly. He knew what I did. Since I was half angel I could do things. Things other Nephilem couldn't. I walked down into the basement. I usually hid in the Chem room and would knock myself out so I could visit Heaven. But today something stopped me. I walked into the armory. On the table lay a sword. I cocked my head to the side "That's not one of ours." I mumbled to myself

I picked it up and immediately dropped it. Burning started on my arm near my elbow I pulled up my sleeve where a dark burn mark was forming tears ran down my face as I screamed out in pain as everything went white....

"Dallas! Dallas Wake Up!!! Munchkin!!!"

I opened my eyes and groaned as a sharp pain ran throughout my arm "What happened?"

Cass ran into the room "Is Dallas Okay!?!?!"

I nodded "I'm fine Dad"

Dean helped me to my feet. I looked to where I had dropped the sword "where'd it go?"

Dean cocked his head to the side "where did what go?"

I pointed to the table "there was a sword and now its gone"

Dean looked at Cass with a look of worry. Words were mumbled as I looked at them "you think I'm lying don't you?"

Cass shook his head and walked towards me "we believe you baby its just that its a little you know-"

I cut him off "Insane. Artificial. Close to crazy"

Dean grabbed my shoulder "Munchkin listen we need to talk"

What came out of my mouth was a animalistic growl. "We are talking"

Dean eyes widened and.....he flinched. My own father flinched at my not my voice

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