♾️Hide n' Seek♾️

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HAPPY 2024!!!

Ms. June was in the playroom, watching the littlenauts play together and having fun. She couldn't help but notice that Young Shellington was playing by himself and looking rather blue, she went over to him to see what was wrong.

Ms. June: Young Shellington, what's the matter?

Young Shellington: Nothing...

Ms. June: Well it has to be something. You look Blue, you can tell me.

Young Shellington: Okay...

Ms. June let Young Shellington sit on her lap on the ground as he fiddled with his paws together,

Ms. June: Now then...Tell me what's wrong?

Young Shellington: I'm too shy to play with my friends.

Ms. June couldn't believe what she was hearing, everyone in the playroom knew that Young Shellington was different but she wanted to know why nobody wanted to play with him. He fiddled with his paws for a wee bit until Lil' Dashi came up to him,

Lil' Dashi: Hello, Shel..., Hi, Ms. June.

Young Shellington: Hello...

Ms. June: Hello, Lil' Dashi...

Lil' Dashi: What's wrong?

Young Shellington: I'm too shy to play with my friends.

Lil' Dashi: Why?

Young Shellington: Because I'm different.

Lil' Dashi sat down next to him and Ms. June and gave him a little side hug, Young Shellington felt a little better,

Lil' Dashi: You don't look different...

Young Shellington: But I am. BJ is just as different as me, but he's better at making friends than me. We're Autistic,

Lil' Dashi: I know you are Artistic, I really like that frog you drew two yesterdays ago, and three yesterdays ago, BJ drew that really cool anchor.

Young Shellington: No, Dashi, We're not ARTISTIC, we're AUTISTIC.

Lil' Dashi: What does Autistic mean?

Young Shellington: It means...well...

Lil' Dashi: Well what?

Ms. June: It means he and Barnacles Jr. have difficulty talking to other children.

Lil' Dashi got confused and looked at Young Shellington and then she looked at Barnacles Jr. who was playing with Young Peso, she didn't see anything wrong with them,

Lil' Dashi: He doesn't look like he's having any difficulty playing with Peso.

Young Shellington: Well, that's because he learns how to come out of his shell, and as for me, I'm just plain old shy Otter Pup.

Lil' Dashi and Ms. June felt sorry for Young Shellington, Lil' Dashi didn't know what to do to help him. But Ms. June does, she sat them down and then got up,

Ms. June: Littlenauts! Let's all go outside!

Once everyone was outside, they all wanted to know what was going on,

Ms. June: I have a fun game we can all play together. We're going to play...HIDE N' SEEK!

Lil' Kwazii: Hide n' Seek?

Young Shellington: Hide n' Seek?

Ms. June: Yes, and I think it's a great idea that Young Shellington should seek while we do the hiding.

Lil' Tweak: Why him?

Ms. June: Because this will allow all of us to understand and learn, no matter if we're different or not, we can still play together.

Lil' Kwazii: but Shellington is sl-

Ms. June: Don't even think about it Lil' Kwazii, it's not very nice.

Young Kwazii grumbled to himself as Ms. June led Young Shellington to a tree so he could count, he covered his eyes and faced the tree,

Young Shellington: 1...2...3...4...

Everyone scrambled to hide as Young Shellington continued to count, once everyone was hiding, Lil' Kwazii couldn't help but wonder why are they playing this game, it was just so happened that Lil' Dashi was in the same hiding spot he was in and he wants to know why they are playing this game,

Lil' Kwazii: Dashi...

Lil' Dashi: Yea.

Lil' Kwazii: Why are we playing Hide n' Seek anyway? And what does Ms. June mean by 'This will allow all of us to understand we can play together, no matter if we're different or not?'

Lil Dashi: Well, it's because Shellington feels left out.

Lil' Kwazii: Left out? Why? I'm his friend, why didn't he tell me he felt left out, I could have played with him.

Lil' Dashi: He's shy and Autistic, he's too afraid to come out of his shell. That's why we're playing this game, it's to get him to come out of his shell and see that's not bad.

Young Shellington:...18...19...20! READY OR NOT HERE I COME!

Young Shellington started looking for Ms. June and The Littlenauts, one by one he found some of them including Ms. June, the last two were still hiding were Lil' Kwazii and Lil' Dashi, they were good at hiding, they couldn't help but giggle, that wasn't until Young Shellington heard them giggling and followed their laughter.

Lil' Kwazii: He'll never find us.

Young Shellington jumped from behind them as they screamed,

Young Shellington: Found you!

They all laugh as Lil' Dashi hugs Young Shellington, he feels like he now belongs and now that we found everyone, he feels like he could make friends again.

Young Shellington: Let's play again!


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