A skykid lost in the darkened desert of starlight desert.
They relied on the light of a barely lit lantern to look around,
Thud thud thud is what they heard beside them, and they froze to let it past, they couldn't remember why they came out this way, but they were too far in to be rescued by any other sky kid, they listened before they continued.
Thud thud thud
They heard again and froze, they knew of a beast that came out at night... something long forgotten, functionally extinct, was a terrible beast
Thud thud thud
They heard, their heart pounding as the sounds grew closer, they blew out the flame to obscure their shape and hid in the sand using their cloak to break their shape
Thud thud thud
The beast was right beside them, grunting softly, they saw the blue light emitting from their eyes... they weren't spotted... yet
The beast was supposed to be extinct their main prey should have been extinct, so how was it surviving in the desert..
Thud thud thud
The beast had wandered off choosing mercy for the time being, the sky kid hurried on as winds began to pick up and blew sand around, they couldn't hear it...
That's what made it so deadly, sandstorms made it hard to hear the thud thud thud...
(Inspired by this artwork I made, twt)
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