The Killer Wind

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Weapons clashed, attacks dodged, guns were used. Bell and Ais sparred in an open area that was very far away. Bell has been training the girl in the ways of the Yharnam hunters. It was unpleasant but effective

Bell:"Be quick!"He told her as he threw a slash at which she narrowly evades as a chunk of her skin got ripped and flew

Bell:"Be efficient!"He yelled as he aim a blunderbuss at her as she quickly evades but Bell didn't pull the trigger and as he aims it as where she would be as she dodged most of it but not all of it as some pellets hits her as she grits her teeth

Bell:"Be deadly!"He said as she threw a thrust at him with her left hand as Bell quickly grabs her left wrist and pulls it to the side

But Ais quickly let go of her weapon which her right hand immediately grabbed. In this position, she wouldn't be able to hit him so she immediately did the most logical thing. She dislocated left right arm that Bell was holding which allowed her to be able to be flexible enough to swing at Bell but the hunter grabs the girl by the neck and slams her on the ground as all the air left her lungs while Bell immediately aims a gun at her face as her arm and legs were pinned down

Bell:"You lost"He told as her expression softened, Bell then got off her and threw her a syringe with blood as she injects it in her as her wounds were healed

They have sparred multiple times and not once had Ais won or even landed a hit no matter how hard she tried, Bell is just far too strong for her, he's stronger, he's faster, he quicker, he's even more skilled than her, He is everything she wanted to be. Comparing her to him is like comparing a newbie to an elite or a goblin to a monster rex, The gap was far too big and obvious

The training consists of sparring in which nearly lost her life multiple times. It was brutal but effective as she was able to think faster and move quicker while her skills were getting sharper and she keeps on getting better and better and Ais notices it. She then decides to go and pick up her weapon but unfortunately it was broken, Ais was shocked while Bell was quite embarrassed that happened

Ais then quickly went into panic mode since her weapon, Desperate was now destroyed, How would she explain this to her familia and how would she explain this to the smith god!? Not only that but how can she afford to repair it?!?

Bell:"Sorry about that"He apologised. It wasn't his fault since it was her that asked him to train her

Ais:"It's fine"She lied, It was far from fine

Bell:"Let's just repair it? How much does the repair cost?"He asked

Ais:"One hundred"

Bell:"Oh I can afford tha-"

Ais:"Million"Bell nearly spits out his organs when he heard that, How the fuck is a sword that expensive? Is that thing fucking Excalibur?

Bell:"A hundred million for that thing!? It didn't even last long!"He complained

Bell:"You know what, don't worry about that, I'll take care of your weapon problem."He assured her

Ais:"You don't have to"

Bell:"Yeah but I want to"He said as she's grateful towards Bell's kind personality

Bell:"Well then, Wanna continue training your Arcane Arts?"He asked as she nods

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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