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The upcoming week is Jeon's birthday, and Tae is so excited to celebrate it. He planned a special suprise for Jeon, and he can't wait to give it to older.

As the day approached, Tae wrapped the gift into beautiful wrapper, and waited for the perfect time to give it to Jeon.

They day, he spent decorating the house while Jeon was busy in his office for some meeting. When evening approached, Jeon get awestruck seeing the beautiful suprised made by his husband.

Jeon didn't care about anyone gaze and immediately walks to his husband and kissed him hard on the lips.

"Thank you so much, baby!" Jeon exclaimed, his voice filled with emotions. "For this suprise."

Tae smiled and nods his head, eyes shinning with happiness. "I'm just glad I able to suprise you." He said.

"Daddy happy birthday." The four voice yelled in unison and Jeon chuckled before pulling his little ones into a big hug.

"Daddy it's for you." Hyun handed the card, which four kids made together causing Jeon smiles so wide.

"Thank you so much babies," Jeon said, his voice sincere at the thoughtfulness of his kids. "This means a lot to me."

And with that the celebration of Jeon's birthday began with laughter and joy.

As the party ended, Jeon settle himself into the bed after a shower. His eyes suddenly fell on the wrapped gift, causing him to pick it up and opened.

His eyes lit up, as he yells his husband names, calling him with voice full of excitement.

Tae just smiled, and said, "Happy birthday, my love." To which Jeon immediately pulls the male for a deep passionate kiss. He's so happy, his happiness and excitement plain on his face.

Few weeks ago, Tae had been feeling little off for sometime, so he had a hunch that he might be pregnant. He took a pregnancy test and waited anxiously for the result. When the test came out as positive, he was overjoyed. He couldn't wait to tell his husband about the news, but he managed to kept it secret till Jeon's birthday.

"I'm going to be a dad!" He exclaimed, beaming with joy. "We're going to be parents again. Best birthday gift ever."

Tae smiled and hugged him tightly, feeling so happy as well. He knew that this was a moment they would always remember, the moment when they found out they were going to be parents once again.


Tae had been pregnant for nine long months, and his four children had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new sibling. They can't wait to hold the baby and play with her.

Finally, the day arrived and Tae went into labor, the four kids were so excited that they could barely contain themselves. They paced back and forth in the waiting area, as they kept asking Jungha and Minho about the updates of baby.

"Is the baby here yet?" Jungsu ask for the hundredth time.

"Not yet, sweetie," Jungha's husband, Minho, replied. "But she'll be here soon."

Just few minutes later, a nurse came out of the delivery room and smiled at the family. "It's a girl!" She exclaimed. "And she's beautiful!"

The kids squealed with delight and ran into the delivery room to meet their new sister. Minho and Jungha followed close behind them, eyes shining with happiness.

They Tae laying in bed, eyes staring at the baby in Jeon's arms. They kids were overcome with excitement. They couldn't stop staring at her, taking in every details of her tiny face and tiny hands and feet.

"Hi, little sister," Hyun said, his voice trembling with emotion. "We've been waiting for you!"

"Can I hold her?" He ask, and Jeon handed the baby to his oldest son.

Jeon looks at his husband, "I can't belive we have another beautiful daughter." Tae smiled at him, his eyes filled with love.

"Thank you for giving me amazing life and babies." The younger says and older kiss his lips.

The family spent the first few hours together, they all couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and wonder at the new addition to their family. Jeon and Tae knew that their life would never be the same, but they both are all excited for the future that lay ahead.


Finally, it's ended. I hope you enjoyed it. Please stream 3D.

Check out this stories, I'm going to update. And sequel of Cheater Husband will be out soon.

 And sequel of Cheater Husband will be out soon

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