i. bang bang BOOM!

17 3 8

"Dad plea-" I eavesdrop into the kitchen hearing Daddy and Jacob fighting. I hear bottles smash. He's drunk, again. "Listen here you little shit!" he screams at Jacob, I threw myself across the room before I got literally stabbed by beer.

I stayed near to the living room door staring down into the kitchen. Jacob stands close, he yelps and I see the blood from Jacobs arm seeping into the carpet.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!!" Daddy ran over and noticed me. Quietly watching. "Honey.." he switched up to an annoyed smile, that fatass cunt... Don't honey me!! But if I ever said that i'd get my ass beat if i said that sooo.

"Yes daddy..?" I sniffed looking up at him and his chin rolls, looking like baguettes.

He dropped ANOTHER beer onto the floor and crouched down, most exercise he's done in his entire life.

Before anything else happened Cato ran in. Dumbass, acting like he wanted all eyes on him like Beyoncé! Can't sing like her for sure.

Jacob ran to the basement door and tried a few codes but of course Daddy has fucking super hearing so he slammed the door and whipped out the belt.

I have no clue why he does that, he'll never guess it! Before I can start talking Cato kneels and tried to hold my hand, I hate touch ugh.

"Ava I gotta tell you something." He murmurs like some addict begging for more time to pay back his dealer.

"Jesus, been called honey and darls so much I forgot my own name"

"I'm leaving" he spurs out, probably for another delivery drop. God it takes days for his return!

"Oh yayyy, no more high notes in the middle of the night!" I giggle a little

"Can you start being serious for once in your life!! God."

"Sorry buddy no god for you fa-" I don't actually think I can be serious


Look im not outing him he's just so gay its like water! Special place in hell for him I guess

"Okay breathe in... and out the crystal closet" He just shuts his eyes in defeat, KO. Ha losers.

"I'm leaving leaving, theres a gun under my dresser. Use it then go. Set Mum free first." He looked all teary eyed, it's serious.

"Wait, you're leaving me alone here? What am I supposed to use the gun for?! Killing myself?"

"DUMBASS, ON DAD OBVIOUSLY!!" He snapped at me, oh my lord this man !!! Twinks am I right.. ha.

I take a hot minute to say something in return "Cato.. you can't leave... Jacob!!" I call out as he turns his back to me

"Well I am. He can defend himself"

"FINE! Leave me!! I knew you never cared.." I know inside he does but I can't guilt my outer mind to think he loves me, cause who leaves their loved one with a monster?!

< - ——————————————————————— - >

Probably around 3:40 am, I lay on the basement door asleep with a blanket covered in dust and something.. green and fuzzy?

"Mama tell me what you look like." I whisper. For all my life I never knew her or what she looked like. Sometimes I would draw her. Well what i think she looks like, all I know is she's like old!

"Its so dark down here my love." She sighed I know what she's gonna say, "I remember I have wrinkles. And I'm beautiful. My hair is like snow of a winter fox. Tied up together like a balloon"

I don't know what a balloon it but I think its like what clouds look like. Daddy boarded up the window but sometimes I see a peak of fluffy white balls in the sky.

That's what clouds are, Cato told me! Cato. Cato told me..

The gun!!

As I double tapped the door, my signal for Daddy coming. I ran all around the halls into Cato's room. I see the shadow from once he slept. I dig and dig.

You know sometimes my mind is like a journal. It's nice, I feel like im just talking to someone. Someone who'll keep my secrets and won't talk about anything I don't want to.

I bring that up since I found Jacobs diary. He'd written everything he couldn't say down in it, I think its rather clever. When I bottle things up I normally snap at people.

One time I actually threw a table at Daddy. From then on he seemed mildly scared whenever I walked in with my fists clenched. Should be, I'd beat the beans and pizza straight out of him!!

Oh yeah the gun.

I grabbed it, loaded it up and i dropped a vase of my foot... oh well!

Daddy flew straight in, holding onto a bat and I held up the gun to his chest. "Move and I blow you up like a bomb, then one straight in the eyes." Men are so pathetic this stupid guy fucking dropped the bat and STEPPED FORWARD LIKE..

'Oh don't do this honeypie, suga im your daddy!!' Like ugh shut upppp!!!

Obviously I shot him. 5 times.. I heard screaming from the basement then sobbing.

'Set mum free first'

Dad always talked about this one date I remember when it is just not what. So I ran all the way back tried the date and it unlocked the door and packed my shit.

Mum took a good 25 minutes to know the door was unlocked. She opened it and I stared for a little.

She was beautiful

But if I stayed Jacob would wake. I don't want him to see me right now. Crying, all covered in blood.

So I ignored Mums cries to stay and...left

Goodbye fuckheads.

special thanks to mcushifterme

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2024 ⏰

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