Chapter 1:Old Emotions Made New

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It was a beautiful summer afternoon. The cool breeze rustling the leaves on the trees. Yet the air was filled with a sense of tranquility but also a wave of silence.

"Man.. this day is too perfect.. but something is missing,'' Oni muttered to himself. His weight shifting from one foot to the other as he thought to himself silently, "haha! That's right, Daisy isn't around anymore. Probably off doing some fancy shit at her job... man, how long has it been since I've seen her? 4?.. no no five years?"

Yet as the last thought of missing that cute little 4'11 ball of attitude mixed with seductress of a women, another thought popped into his head

I didn't even get to show her how much I crave her. Crave the feeling of her small body against mine. Crave it like a madman as I destroyed her innocence.

The wild and obsessive thoughts never seemed to go away with that woman, and they wouldn't. They couldn't... Not until he had her very body and soul all for himself. Never letting her go even if she cried out for it.

"I gotta stop letting my mind drift and finish up this house before the buyer shows up... I'd be fucked if that happened" he sighed with a shake of his head, attempting to make the lingering mental image of the women vanished as he attempted to focus on his work. Hands moving as he got to it.

So he continued working, letting more thoughts flow as he did. Being fueled by the thoughts of taking her in every room that he meticulously furnished. As though it was only meant for them and as those thoughts went on so did the progress of the house until finally it was finished, leaving him a sigh of relief as he admired his handiwork

"god damn. This looks perfect... man am I an absolute miracle worker or what? hah, not bad turning a shithole into some prime real estate if I do say so myself.."

The ding from a notification rang on his phone, prompting him to pick it up and see what it was. As he did, hoping it was the last payment, a wave of happiness covered his body as he saw that it was. Not only that, but a note was attached to it saying;

"Hopefully it's not in bad taste, but here's the last amount. I know it's a few days late, but well... I just wanted to stop by and see how it looked."

He had finished reading the message when another annoyance occurred causing a vein on his temple to pop. The chime of the doorbell dining in his ears making him click his tongue in said annoyance, "this woman, I swear to god."

It didn't matter either way. He thought everything was done; from the luggage, to the furniture, to the appliances. Everything was perfect and ready to be moved into.

As he went to the door, hands reaching out to open it, the door swung wide open. Just narrowly missing him in the process. .A single thought sprinted across his mind; What the fuck? Do they already have a key? But he still welcomed them with a devilish smile.

"Hello, Ms.DeFlueward, how was your trip? Not too tiring, I hope?"

She peeked her head in, looking right and left to get a first glance before walking in, "Oh please, Mr.Oni, call me need to be so formal. After all, you have been inside my house!" she chuckled to herself. The sound of her shoes clicking faintly resonated in the house as they walked through. Everything changed at that moment, almost as if I fully woke up from a trance.

I knew it was Daisy without a doubt, and I knew things would never be the same again. After all...I now know where she is living now, and nothing, absolutely nothing, stands in my way at this point.

Another intrusive thought awoke: It definitely won't be the last time either.

I finally came to my senses.

"let me show you around. I know you've seen the pictures, but the additions you requested you have yet to see"

a look of pure ecstasy came across her face, so pure and filled with happiness. It was like a bright ray of sunshine absolutely beaming with yellow warmth. That could only be matched with her stunning blonde hair that fell right on her collarbone, and as I was still entranced by her my eyes couldn't help but wander on her. My gaze practically undressed her as it went down her body, eyes becoming my hands as I meticulously watched as her clothes went around every bump and curvature.

As I kept looking, I realized everything she wore was yellow. almost everything. She had a yellow sundress that barely went past mid-thigh, and as my eyes kept wandering. I observed her black skin tight fishnets and matching black heels.

My eyes continued to travel back up to see that the sundress also barely covered her cleavage. I didn't care. She looked absolutely perfect and ready to be mine, ready to be taken.

I took her around her new house to show her the requested addition, It was a main bedroom with a queen bed. It was matched with bed frames that had giant wooden poles on each corner. Not even 6 feet from the edge of the bed, a set of four 10 ft mirrors perfectly aligned next to each other. Each one perfectly laid against the walls with an almost perfect view of the bed. More thoughts rushed my mind, and down below as a primal excitement rushed my body. Yet her excitement and love for everything didn't fade at all.

The feeling of pride swelled within me, but a darker feeling overclouded just as easily. The burning urge to grab her from behind the neck as I pushed her onto the edge of the bed flooded me. Savagely bending her over as I lift her dress to rest against her mid stomach. My hungry hands ripping those cute fishnets off her, leaving her thighs red and ass exposed as I forced her down. Destroying any innocence she had as I used her perfect body for my demonically sinful pleasure..

God I wanted to hear her sweet voice cry out for me... while I ignored her and just keep using her like the good whore I know I could turn her into..

I had such conflicting thoughts, but I stuffed them down. Knowing there was a time and place, and now was not the time nor place. I switched how I addressed her to catch her attention.

" Oh, Ms. Daisy?"

"Yes, Mr. Oni? what is it?" she called back.

I was honestly pressed for time. Well more like if I stayed any longer, my feelings and wishes would be reality.

"Ms.daisy I'm happy to have worked on the house for you, but you don't need me to show you around. After all, it is getting late, and the adventure of experiencing your home should be an adventure all to you."

She looked at me with that sweet smile I knew I would later ruin and said, "That's extremely thoughtful of you ... sir"

I know this knows- I thought to myself

"Sir, thank you for all your work. I shall take you up on that kind gesture" she went silent thinking to herself and after a moment spoke again

"I'm sure ill see you around sometime"

"Well that would be something wouldn't it?" I chimed. I made a motion to excuse myself, and she followed. Knowing I didn't want to overstay my welcome.

She followed me out of the bedroom until I got to the entrance of the house. Once I reached for the door, I couldn't help but look back as I spoke. "You have a wonderful day, ms."

I smiled and saw her sweetly smiling back as I turned back towards the exit and left shutting the door behind me.

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