2. Goodbye

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Emily POV

The next five days went by fast. Too fast. It felt like Damien only told me yesterday but, as much as i longed for it to be true, he didn't. He leaves tomorrow.

I pulled my feet up the stairs to the school, really not wanting to be there. Damien was busy packing so his mum called in 'sick' for him. It's just not fair, my dad wouldn't do that to me, and definitely not if i was missing a test. However, Damien, was missing a test. Maths. God help me.

I yanked my bag back onto my shoulder as i walked into my first lesson, Science. I liked Science, we almost always had a substitute and we watched educational films instead of doing actual work. The only problem was Piper, we sat together in Science and that meant she would talk nonstop.

"Hey girlie," She greeted with a big wave as i put my bag down on the floor and sat down next to her. "Excited for the test?"

I stared at her with wide eyes. Test?! I had no idea about a Science test. I was going to fail for definite.

I cleared my throat "Test?"

She nodded, giggling "Yeah, the maths test? Mrs Green has been going on about it forever"

"Oh right, yeah" I gave her a tight lipped smile and turned to look the other way, out the window. Thanks for the heart attack Piper.

As if right on que, a substitute teacher waked in. She had long blonde hair and round glasses, a soft jawline and wore a pencil skirt and button down shirt. Her hight heels only added a couple of inches onto her height but she was still very short. As she walked in, her heels clicked on the floor and all the boys oogled at her. Their conversations long gone and they seemed very interested in learning. She had what looked like very clear and smooth skin, and i observed that she couldn't be over thirty.

She cleared her throat "Settle" We all stayed silent, nothing could prepare us for the noise that was coming out of her mouth. Her voice was high, too high, eardrum bursting high. This was going to be a long lesson.


The bell ringing indicated the end of my fifth lesson, meaning that Maths was next. Once again i pulled my bag, now heavier due to homework from other lessons, over my shoulder and pushed my way out of Art. I adored the lesson and the teacher, the only problem that i had is that it was furthest away from my Maths room and if i was going to be late, Mrs Green would have my head on a spike above her desk. Mrs Green was strict, we had to put our phones and bags onto a named cubby by the door to 'prevent distraction'. We had assigned seats, with individual desks to 'prevent copying'.

I reached the classroom and took a deep breath, preparing myself for the test, before pushing the door open and putting my phone and bag away in the cubby. The room was silent.

"Ahh Miss Grant," She said in a teasing tone "How nice of you to join us. Is there a reason you're one minute late to my lesson?"

I mentally cursed myself for not walking faster, i hated her for this reason mostly. Her tone of voice made me want to throw my bag at her head but i didnt want to, nor could i reach it. She was staring at me with hawk eyes, like a predator over its prey. Her arms were crossed and her foot was tapping on the floor, anticipating my answer. "I had Art" Is all i could think to say.

"And is Art more important than my test? I've done all of my School work, you're wasting your own time." She scolded as the rest of the class remained silent.

"Its at the other end of the school, how could i possibly not be late for the test? You should be proud of me for not being later" I said out loud before i had a chance to even think about what i was saying and who i was saying it to.

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