Chapter 5

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I walked to my next class as it was history and gave it to the teacher. "Go sit down with Hale." He says as I nod and go to Jasper sitting down next to him. "Hi darling." Jasper whispers as I smile at him. "Hi." I whisper back listening to the teacher as I draw on my paper thinking about Newt and the others but also writing down.

"Okay there is gonna be a project on the civil war you will be partnered up Jasper and Alex you two are partners. " The teacher says still naming off everyone else as I smiled looking over at Jasper. "We are partners darling." He says in his southern accent causing me to blush and look away working again why is his accent getting to me.

After spending time with Jasper working on our project hearing the bell ringing. I got up feeling Jasper wrap his arm around my shoulder and walked me to my last class of the day to keep me safe, smiling shyly. "Thanks Jasper." I said looking up at him as he nods his head.

I walked into biology seeing everyone staring at me and Jasper feeling how nervous I was with everyone staring at me. Jasper pulls me close and whispers. "You will be fine darling go." He says as I started to feel calm all of a sudden and nods walking in.

"Alex. " I said standing next to Bella as she whispers to me. "Alex you will pay for doing that to my friend …" She says as I nod looking at her. "We will see about that" I said as the teacher signed our papers.

"Bella sit with Edward and Alex sits next to Luke in the back." The teacher says as I go back to Luke and sits down listening as Bella sits next to Edward trying to talk to him but he was ignoring her. I went back to drawing as the teacher started the lesson for the day. I grabbed my stuff and looked into the microscope and leaned away writing down what I needed to.

I was drawing all of my friends' names down on my paper then would do my work as I heard my name being called. "Alex, come up to the front and read this out please." The teacher said as I nodded and walked up to the front of the class looking at everyone.

I looked at everyone around me and for some reason I started to breathe heavily. Now I'm having a panic attack in front of everyone and I kept having flashbacks of the maze when I was surrounded.

~Flash back~
The doors of the box opening shining in a bright light from the sun I quickly covered my eyes. “W-where the hell am i?” I asked scared, hearing laughter as someone jumped down. “Day one greenie. “ The person says pulling me out and onto the green grass. “Holy shit it's a girl!!" Someone yells as the person that pulled me out was still shocked by seeing me. Have they never seen a girl before?

I looked around and noticed I was surrounded by so many boys, at least fifty. "Gally give her some space guys hey i'm Alby.” He says leaning down offering me his hand. I slowly took his hand and stood up looking around as I looked back at him. ”I-I can't remember my name...w-why can't i remember..?” I asked scared, wanting to run away from everyone.

~End of flashback~

I had tears falling down my face. I quickly ran off out of the classroom. I was running as fast as I could. I didn't care where I was going, I needed to get away. I pant softly and looked around realizing I'm in the middle of the woods. Shit I ran far I thought and walked in the woods.

I sat down on the broken down tree as tears fell down my cheeks so embarrassing I had a panic attack in school and ran like my life depended on it..I'm not in the maze or the other places anymore but I'm still scared of being around them all.

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