As years went on Taki found herself becoming famous on her own terms, though she wanted a break. She wanted to see if the boys learned their lesson, so she went to the Sakamaki Manor at the same time Yui Komori had. She went behind the young girl and placed her right hand over the young girls eyes. "Calm down, don't get freaked out. Don't scream because no one will hear you. Where you are going will make you suffer and be used as a toy. In your place I will go, rest in peace little Yui."
With that Taki snapped the neck of the young woman before throwing her into the river not far from the house. She then went into the house, she knew where Ayato would have slept. She saw that he was in fact asleep so she smirked and she went behind the bench only to make it fall backwards making him wake up as she let out a dark chuckle.
"Rise and shine Ayato Sakamaki."
"Who the fuck-Taki?! Just where the fuck have you been!?" Ayato said first confused at who knew who he was before he saw the white haired female with golden eyes.
As he spoke to her he got up, she placed her hands together behind her back before she grinned at him. "that's not for you to know Dear Ayato...have you been a good boy while I've been gone?"
Ayato hated how Taki was treating him and he pushed her up against the nearest wall as he had a hand on her throat. "Don't play this type of shit with me!"
"what is with the commotion? I can barely concentrate with the loud noises coming from down here." Reiji said before he saw Ayato strangling Taki.
Reiji's eyes darken. "So you've come back Taki...why?"
Taki kicked Ayato away from her before she fixed herself. "I won't repeat myself, the others must be gathered." She said before she went to the sitting room where they would usually gather around.
She sat on the couch on the middle cushion only to soon see Laito and Kanato on either side of her, which she felt that Shu was behind her. Soon after Subaru came in, he was more than pissed to see Taki again.
"Why the fuck are you here Taki?! We all thought you ran off!" Subaru said pissed
"Now-now calm yourselves. I'm not some puppet that you all can control, this you should have known from the start. I'm no human." Taki said calmly before she shut her eyes and sighed out. "I've been doing something that will come in handy to me in the future. But I want to take a break from it which is why I came back here. I grew up with the lot of you-you guys are my family. Whether I want to believe it or not, I have to accept the reality that I live in."
"How long will you be here for Taki? All of us have been wondering what happened to you centuries ago." Kanato said sadly
"A few years give or take, Kanato dear I'd like to talk to you personally alone later on. There is something that I wish to discuss with you." Taki said as she placed a hand on the side of his face.
Kanato's eyes shut feeling the soft touch of her hand against his face, he placed his hand over hers before he opened his eyes once more. "Okay, it better be why you've disappeared from us. That wasn't nice of you Taki."
"What wasn't nice was how all of you treated me at first. Ever heard of treat people how you wish to be treated? You all realized when it was too late who and what I am, I won't forgive any of you for your lack of being friendly towards me. But I can forget it all if you all show me that you are truthfully sincere about what you feel for me. I won't play favorites or anything like that...I know love is something none of you can feel so I better not ever hear 'I love you' from any of you." Taki said as she got up and walked past Ayato before she turned to look at all of them.
"Is my old room still how I had it?"
"Yes. No one has touched anything within it." Laito said sadly " can you tell so much from all of us?"
Taki looked to all of them sadly before she placed a hand on her chest where her heart was closing her eyes. "I have a lot of things that are wrong with my head...some of what's wrong with me is memories of a past life...a past life where all of you came after me as a toy or tool to use and abuse. I was mentally and emotionally abused and confused. In part of that-I had found myself with one of two guys. Kanato was one of them...the other I've already seen and have found out doesn't truly care for me."
She then opened her eyes as she looked at Kanato directly. "If you don't show me that what I said is a lie then within a year time you all won't ever see me again. I will find one male who will want to kill me and he will find a way to kill all of you. So be cautious Kanato."
Kanato teared up. "Don't place so much pressure on me! What have I ever done to make you do this?!"
"Let's just say that you're the one that I've been closes to and the one who I felt the most compassionate about. That's why I place it on you, though it is free game for the rest of you if you can show me that you too, can prove me completely wrong. I won't ever say no to any one of you-just keep in mind. my body is innocent even if my mind is not. With that said I'm going to bed and don't you dare wake me for school cause I finished my work ahead of time and have no use of going to a school."
With that Taki went to bed leaving the males to talk among themselves, unsure of what just happened.
"Taki has come back, but she isn't timid." Subaru stated
"She has a back bone alright, but that just means she'll be that much more interesting to break." Ayato said with a grin
"She wanted to talk to me about something...I wonder what and why me." Kanato said sadly
"If this is a free for all for her, then looks like it's every man for himself." Laito said before he left.
"This is beyond childish, you all do what you believe is right. Just you make a mess you better clean it."
Shu said nothing as he had already had left to talk to Taki, it surprised Taki that the moment after she left that Shu had made himself known on her bed.
"Hello Shu, what can I do for you this time?" Taki asked
"What you talked about before, you are talking about how one time you picked Kanato to be with over all of us then once time rewound the first time you went with Kou Mukami, which in that case you killed all of us in this house."
Taki finished placing her pajamas on before she turned to look at him. "That's correct. So I'm not the only one with those memories?"
"No, I don't know who else has them but I want to warn you-don't get too close to anyone until you know you're ready."
"That's fine with me, thanks for the obvious advice." Taki said with a sigh as she sat on the side of her bed.
Shu sighed and pulled her closely to him. "I'm not going to do anything to you right now. I've just missed seeing you around that's all."
She sighed once more before she cuddled with him. "Fine just this once."

The Stubborn Lover [Diabolik Lovers Love Story]
Fanfiction[!!!!!! Three books in one!!!!!!] Book One: Taki is a female who at first doesn't know who she was; that was until one night she bit her elder brother. After that her 'parents' never wanted her near their son again. So they 'try' to get her be adopt...