I'm Sorry What??

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If I leave you behind 

you can look 

for the broken necks

~Sabrina Carpenter~


IT HAD BEEN ABOUT A WEEK SINCE OUR FIRST SHOW and I was finally back doing burlesque. But that didn't mean I wasn't harshly scolded after every single act. Especially the first, because apparently he had heard two people talking about how they could tell I wasn't a real trapeze artist and I still haven't heard the end of it.

I was working on my make up for tonight's show, which was supposed to be centered around the clowns and so I based my look on theirs. Laying white powder on my face and strongly exaggerating my features, while deciding between a heart lip and a wide smile Alice walked over.

"Bruno's looking for you..."

"Tell him he can stick a pole up his-"

"I know I know," she sighed, "I guess that's better then when you wanted to crush his skull in..."

"I'm still not opposed to the idea."

"There's no use fighting, just go."

"Ya ya alright."

I was in costume, wearing a black corset with gold tassels and red puff shorts over fishnets and tall flexible black books. Not to mention the half finished make-up. Before I got to his office tent I could hear voices in the dark of the night.

"You sure about this boss, I mean she might not have a clue how they took her across the fold, plus even if she did it was when she was quite young."

"We just need to know how they got her here and then we can go, she's of no use after that."

"You know-"

"Shh, she's here."

When I entered the tent, surprise hit me like truck. I instantly recognized the two standing beside my boss. It was the two from the club. Confusion lit up my features as I looked at the men in the room.

"What's going on?"

"these two young men just have a few questions to ask you. So answer quickly and then be off." Bruno's tone held malice as well as annoyance directed at me.

"Well, what is it?" Suddenly I noticed my Ravkan Accent more then usual, being around the three Kerch men.

The one with the cane spoke, "do you know how you crossed the fold?"

"Why do yo-" I was cut off when I saw the ringleader holding extraordinarily tightly to his whip. "I do."

"And how exactly was that?"

I looked around, not wanting to give away details about myself, especially around Bruno, who would without a doubt use it against me.

The cripple seemed to notice my train of sight and motioned for him to leave. Which obviously would get me in trouble, but to my surprise, he left.

"They put me in a group of refugees headed through the fold, I don't know exactly who the man that got us through was but he went by the conductor."

"Do you know anything else about him."

I thought for a moment, "he left with someone named, Poppy."

That seemed to catch his attention as he turned to leave, but I stopped him.

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