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1990 , Royal house of Atlas Ground pack ;

It is a Royal house where all the elderly, learned men, some of them great warrior and some of them great king, they are sitting in front of each other in a huge meeting room. Some of them Alpha when others are Beta but no Omega' are invited here. Cause, according to the rules Omega's are not supposed to be part of the were wolf.

The king Kim Hwan and the queen Kim Bong -cha. King is the Alpha and The queen is Beta. And their Son Kim Namjoon and Kim Minjoon who are Alpha's.

Today this meeting room is filled because of Namjoon as per according to them Namjoon is a sinner. He did a sin which is not acceptable.

King : Here we are gathered because of the deeds my elder son did.
Queen : We are sorry that because of him you all have to suffer.
King : It is so ignominious that my son whom I believed so much will do this types of work.

All people in room : We want him to suffer, we want him to perish, we don't want him as our king. He is stain of Atlas Ground pack . He is not a part of were wolf.

King : Call Kim Namjoon and his that weak, pathetic Omega.

The guards left and comes after 10 minutes with a handsome man and a beautiful comely boy entered into the huge room. He is just holding that man's biceps and looking down.

All started to look at them with anger and hatred.
King : Kim Namjoon, here everyone here are extremely disgruntled with your work you did. You know very well our country is anti Omega then how you can marry this piece of sh*t .

Nj : Mind your language Dad. He is my mate, the destined mate who Moon Goddess herself choosed for me not piece of sh*t. The main problem is this pack which is filled with mean minded people.

King : Kim Namjoon you know where are you standing. It is my Kingdom to rule. You cannot just speak anything in front of me. You both will be punished for this type of temerity of yours.

Nj : I myself announce that I will no longer live here. I Kim Namjoon willingly refuses to be part of this pack. Today in this moment I am going to leave this pack with my Wife Kim Seokjin. And will never come here. I swore to god.

The whole meeting room goes silent and see that Namjoon hold Seokjin's hand and left the room. The King and Queen both stayed silent. All are happy that Namjoon leaves the pack . But the subjects who adores Namjoon now will see the actual hell without them.

Namjoon and Jin walk over those paths, when he saw some of villagers cane in front of him. Some of them old grandma, young ladies who are Omegas and some Alpha's and betas. They are around 30 to 40 people.

Nj : What are you all doing here?
One Ajhumma said .
Am : Namjoonie, my son you are the only one who can understand us but if you leave we will die alive. And thise omegas are also want to live in a new way.

Jin looked at them with smile and hugged the ajhumma.
Jin : We will ajhumma. Together we will built a new world where all are equal, all will respect Omega's and other ranks with same eyes.
Namjoon hughed his wife tightly.
Nj : I promise my queen .

And from somewhere the Moon goddess looked at them with smile. Like she also the part of those people who will join them.
Moon Goddess :
"Just some of hardship and you will be the happiest person in this world my son. I will be always with you my son. Just believe in yourself "

They all picked up their things and they disapeared into the darkness of the forest. The new way to live the new way build a new society.

To be continued......

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