Book 2: those who walk away

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Vax POV 

I held my Sister's Lifeless Body with tears in my eyes.

Vax: Sister. 

Keyleth took Vex's hand while crying.

Keyleth: Pike, heal her!

Pike tried her best to heal my sister but nothing happened.

Pike: there's Nothing to heal.

Vax: Somebody Do Something!

Suddenly Kash and Zahra arrived to help.

Kashaw: Let me see her. We could try resurrecting her.

Pike: A revival rite? I-I've never tried that Before.

Kashaw: Yeah. Not many have. It's hard as hell to pull off. So, we got to do it while the Body's still warm. *sighs* here we go.

Kash used his Spear to draw Runes in the Ground before biting his thumb and drawing a Rune on my Sister's forehead.

Vax: This can't be happening. Who was with her?

I watched as the Runes light up before my sister floated in the air with Golden magic covering her.

I watched as the Runes light up before my sister floated in the air with Golden magic covering her

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Kashaw: She's gonna owe me big-time for this... if it works.

I saw Raven feathers Float down on the Rune circle while Pike and Kash struggled.

Kashaw: The spell's not holding. 

Pike: No. it's not working. 

Kashaw: 'Cause we're inside her temple. This is the domain of the Matron of Ravens. She's too fucking strong.

Pike: Our gods have no authority here.

Grog: *stammers* can we maybe move Vex somewhere else?

Percy: We're underneath a Lake. There is no somewhere else.

Scanlan took a Bag and Looked for something that could heal Vex.

Scanlan: There's-there's got to be another potion or something.

Yamikumo: Whatever we're doing, we're doing it now!

Zahra: It's not use. She's done for.

Keyleth: Shut up.

I listened to Others argue as Raven feathers fell around me. I noticed the Matron walk towards my Sister, but the Others didn't Notice her as she placed her finger on the Spell Cracking it.

 I noticed the Matron walk towards my Sister, but the Others didn't Notice her as she placed her finger on the Spell Cracking it

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