Aj: " @ashiya baby hii"
Aj:"how are you baby"
Ashiya:"gudd and you"
Aj:"me too"
Ashiya:"don't call me baby i am elder than you "
Aj:"you are my baby .. i will call you baby "
in insta dm .. rob and elora
Rob:"baby you on dc"
Elora :"yes and you "
Rob:"me too .. give ur id"
They exchanged id and found they were none other than
.... sanskriti and Aj
Elora:"are you cheating on me .. you call other girls baby on anx"
Rob:"i am bot cheating baby... thats the only way to get the server active .. you know how girls are "
Elora:"really .. ok"
Rob:"yes trust me i love you only bubu"
Elora:"ohkkie 😁 "
Elora's inner thought. :. "Ik he is bad ik he is cheating. .. but i really don't wanna lose him .. no matter what i will stay with him "
Rob:"yes baby .. but can you remove zack.. shwan and others from friends "
Elora:"why "
Rob:"they are very bad ."
Elora:"ohk "
Elora's inner thought :"but they all are so good and well behaved .. why is he saying this ... acc to me he is worse then them but nevertheless he is my bf not them so ok i can block them .. idc though.. but i will lose my friends. . Ahh i really don't wanna lose rob too .. god .. ohk i will block them .. i will stay loyal to my bf and i will leave discord ."
Elora blocked them all .. rob told her he has a very weak body and told he has 3rd stage asthama .. and elora believed all and took care of him via online ..
Days passesd ... months passed they had regular fights. .. .. what if someone from the past enters betweeen then where will their love lead them to.. are they gonna be parted or prove the theory of love .. the red thread theory. ...
Lets see what life brings for them ...

Playgurl And The Chad
RomanceA love story of a chad Yuvein and a playgurl Elora .. full of ups and downs and smiles and cries .. fight and love .. who even knew an online relationship will turn into a good romance in real life. Lets see where their story ends with these obstacl...