Scattered Embers

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A/N: any guesses what Mia did to Theo's necklace?

Liam's relief at seeing Mia in one piece, unharmed, was quickly chased by the crawling sensation across his skin as Brett's gaze studied him, as abrasive as always. Every twisted word turned argument, every guilt trip, every triumphant moment that had been stolen from Liam slammed through him at the sight of his ex-boyfriend.

Leaving home had been mostly about striking out on his own, escaping his parents, starting over and protecting his loved ones, but it was also the only way he could think to escape from the toxic cycle that Brett had created. Just because his grandpa Xander had helped Grandma Buffy and Willow slay vampires when they were younger, Brett thought he was important. Vital. He resented Liam for being stronger than him, for inheriting slayer powers that he didn't even want, when Brett would've done unspeakable things for even a fraction of the power coursing through Liam's veins.

In the end, Brett had used him for his own personal gain to learn more about the supernatural—to hone his own skills as an amateur slayer. If Liam had never seen him again, it still would've been too soon.

Mia's tiny hand found Liam's but even as they made their way into Willow's house, Brett only tore his gaze from Liam when he noticed Theo.

Liam sent Mia in ahead of him, making a point to narrow his gaze at Brett and wait with Theo outside the threshold of the house while Willow invited him in. Spike, though, had no trouble walking straight in. The house technically still belonged to Willow's grandmother, Grandma Buffy's best friend, and Liam couldn't help but wonder how many people in his life had been part of keeping this secret from him. How many people had known long before he did that not all vampires were monsters.

Theo was barely through the door, though, before Brett moved—a stake flashed through the air, but Brett wasn't as quick as Liam, and Theo must've seen it coming. He grasped Brett's wrist and twisted, his foot catching Brett's ankle and sending him to the floor.

With his face pressed against the hardwood, Brett snarled up at Liam, "You chose a goddamn vampire over me?"

Theo plucked the stake from Brett and tossed it to Liam before leaning down close so he could whisper into Brett's ear. "He chose me because I'm not a toxic asshole."

"I'm not!" Brett protested, but Theo tightened his hold just enough that a yelp of pain escaped him. Given the circumstances, Liam was surprised Theo's fangs hadn't dropped.

"You think you're so slick, but I see the way you look at him. You think I don't notice when my own boyfriend shrinks away from someone? The most powerful man in the room and you made him feel small."


The word clanged through Liam, stealing his breath and heating his cheeks, but he forced himself to ignore it for now. To table it for later. Liam was seconds from intervening when Theo released his hold and Brett scrambled to his feet, his face scrunched in anger. His entire body was coiled like he might spring into attack at a moment's notice.

Willow jabbed her finger in Brett's face. "I swear, Brett. If you start shit in this house, I'll feed you to that demon myself."

Brett straightened his jacket and leaned against the wall in the entryway.

Theo sat beside Mia, running a gentle hand across her back. Her face was tight with something like pain or exhaustion or sadness, and that just wouldn't do. She'd sat cross legged on the couch, her foot bouncing beneath her legs, and Liam crossed the room to her a few long strides, his knuckles brushing across Theo's knee as he knelt before her.

"Talk to me, love."

Mia's eyes brimmed with tears, but she swallowed them down and in a brave and fragile voice said, "The darkness took Mom. I got away, but I'm not sure how."

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