always and forever

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GWEN RAVEN was born in 1935 with a purpose. Her extremely rich parents never truly wanted children, instead wanted something to show off and keep the family bloodline going. They wanted a boy so when a girl was born the Raven couple was very disappointed.

Despite many attempts, her parents were stuck with only one child. So at the age of four years old, Lily Raven decided to enroll her beautiful daughter in beauty pageants.

The blonde beauty instantly became famous around her state and the country. Everyone was captivated by her beauty and singing/dancing talent. So Gwen never lost a pageant, after a while it become everything she knew and loved. It was a way to make her parents proud and a way to be seen.

Lily and Austin Raven were never physically abusive, but they ignored their daughter and would constantly leave for weeks. Leaving her alone with the maids affects a child wellbeing. And when they were around, they would criticize her every move.

At only 17 years old, Gwen Raven was crowned Miss United States and was about to compete to win the Miss Universe crown. It was 1952 and that was the first Miss Universe pageant so the whole world was excited and looking forward to it. Many were cheering and hoping that Gwen would win the crown.

Gwen herself was even looking forward to it, practicing her show talent and making sure she looked the best.

However, a week before the competition was supposed to take place. Gwen Raven was shot on her way home and left bleeding on a dark ally floor. Her life slowly slipping away.

Carlisle Cullen was on his way home from work when he heard gunshots and rushed over to find the blonde dying quickly, gunshot wounds on her body. He knew she wasn't going to make it to the hospital.

So the vampire made a quick decision and changed Gwen, hoping to give her a second chance at life. He knew nothing about this blonde but instantly felt the need to protect her as she looked up at him with nothing but pain and hurt in her green eyes.

The world will always remember Gwen Raven and the mystery of her disappearance kept people talking for years. Rumors and suspicions were all people talked about that entire year, a body was never found so many assumed she was alive. But she was never to be seen again after winning Miss United States.

Gwen Cullen was born that day and she instantly found love in her new vampire family. Carlisle and Esme quickly embraced the blonde and treated her as their child. Edward, Emmett, and Jasper became her brothers. Alice and Rosalie become her sisters.

For once in her life, Gwen was actually loved and accepted for who she was. All she needed was to find her forever person, her mate. But turns out not everyone is lucky enough to find them quickly so Gwen waited, it wasn't like time would run out, she had forever.


Nicole Peltz as Gwen Cullen

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Nicole Peltz as Gwen Cullen

Nicole Peltz as Gwen Cullen

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Everyone else as themselves

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Everyone else as themselves

Beautiful cover by Nova ( -novxscomet ) thank you!

(I know some people were disappointed when Sam Uley was picked for ANYTHING FOR YOU so here's a Paul story)

P.S: I took this story down and am now reposting because I originally named my main character Kimberly Cullen and she would be Paul's imprint/soulmate! But somehow I forgot about Jared's Kim. So I have changed her name! So I am now editing the chapters I wrote for this so if you see the name Kimberly sorry and let me know!  thank you!

Always and forever, Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now