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"Harry" I hear from behind me. Turning round i see Louis running to catch up with me so i turn and take my key from pocket ready to unlock the door trying to ignore him.

"Harry please, just one second i promise" He practically begs so i sigh and turn around, the lads doing the same.

"Can i have a word please...alone?" Again i say nothing and he huffs his annoyance.

"I-I just. I just wanted to say thank you for what you did, with the girls it means a lot to me" He says with his head down, he apparently can't look me in the eye.

"It's nothing" I shrug off and go to turn to unlock my door.

"Okay" He says quietly as i hear some shuffling assuming he has walked away, i walk into my room the boys following and hearing it close behind me.

It's strange though because standing so close and being able to smell his scent i suddenly felt more energized than normal. Maybe that is part of the true mates shit.

"Why do you think he was so nice then?" Liam asks

"Well he aint been laid in awhile soooo" Niall starts and then burst out laughing.

"Oh god Niall don't give me nightmares please" I cringe making the boys laugh.

"I dunno he seemed kinda' genuine to me" Liam said "Maybe he really meant it"

I huff "Yeah i think he did too, not that i like to admit that" I say 

"Hey so, something else i don't want to admit, when he was close and i could smell him and i felt like my energy levels were boosted. I'm thinking it has to do with the true mate shit, what do you think?" I say quietly not looking at them, not wanting to be right.

"Yeah. I have been doing some reading, not that there is much but from what i have found, being close to your true mate will start to give you energy, make you happy, then start to make you stronger the more you are together and when you bond basically unstoppable, both of you. But, if you stay away from each other then you will start to feel low, less energy and then you will start to feel sick and your body will eventually shut down. I'm yet to find a way to stop or at least slow down the negative side effects, other things like you will be able to actually hear your inner wolf talking to you, im not sure  what else though. I'm sorry" Liam said. Well that was a lot to take in. And it makes sense of the times i have heard things in my head but that was before we found out so i don't know if that counts.

"Right, Well that sucks" I sigh again.

"Lets keep looking then, there must be something. Shit i forgot to ask Gemma if she spoke with Brooke but i guess she has a lot on her plate right now" I hum

"Okay well lets leave her a few days see how things go with mum and then we will get her to see Brooke"

"That sounds like a plan to me. Can we eat?" Niall says

"Niall we ate half an hour ago how can yo-. never mind, there is some stuff in the fridge" Liam said and i am kinda' pissed he can eat what he wants and never gains weight but i look at chocolate and gain pounds. Lucky fucker.


A few more days pass and again i haven't seen Louis and i can feel myself being more tired as the day passes. I hate this, it's like i have to fucking depend on a Alpha to live, not to just any Alpha,  Louis! and i hate that. Why just me, Louis i assume is just fine but i haven't seen him at meals but sometimes i feel him watching from a distance. 

"What do you think about asking him for like a jumper or something for you to get his scent so you stop feeling like this?" Practical Liam asks.

"And admit the effects this is having on me, that i'm now dependant on his scent, hell no i would rather die thank you" I say stubbornly.

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