"Harry" I hear from behind me. Turning round i see Louis running to catch up with me so i turn and take my key from pocket ready to unlock the door trying to ignore him.
"Harry please, just one second i promise" He practically begs so i sigh and turn around, the lads doing the same.
"Can i have a word please...alone?" Again i say nothing and he huffs his annoyance.
"I-I just. I just wanted to say thank you for what you did, with the girls it means a lot to me" He says with his head down, he apparently can't look me in the eye.
"It's nothing" I shrug off and go to turn to unlock my door.
"Okay" He says quietly as i hear some shuffling assuming he has walked away, i walk into my room the boys following and hearing it close behind me.
It's strange though because standing so close and being able to smell his scent i suddenly felt more energized than normal. Maybe that is part of the true mates shit.
"Why do you think he was so nice then?" Liam asks
"Well he aint been laid in awhile soooo" Niall starts and then burst out laughing.
"Oh god Niall don't give me nightmares please" I cringe making the boys laugh.
"I dunno he seemed kinda' genuine to me" Liam said "Maybe he really meant it"
I huff "Yeah i think he did too, not that i like to admit that" I say
"Hey so, something else i don't want to admit, when he was close and i could smell him and i felt like my energy levels were boosted. I'm thinking it has to do with the true mate shit, what do you think?" I say quietly not looking at them, not wanting to be right.
"Yeah. I have been doing some reading, not that there is much but from what i have found, being close to your true mate will start to give you energy, make you happy, then start to make you stronger the more you are together and when you bond basically unstoppable, both of you. But, if you stay away from each other then you will start to feel low, less energy and then you will start to feel sick and your body will eventually shut down. I'm yet to find a way to stop or at least slow down the negative side effects, other things like you will be able to actually hear your inner wolf talking to you, im not sure what else though. I'm sorry" Liam said. Well that was a lot to take in. And it makes sense of the times i have heard things in my head but that was before we found out so i don't know if that counts.
"Right, Well that sucks" I sigh again.
"Lets keep looking then, there must be something. Shit i forgot to ask Gemma if she spoke with Brooke but i guess she has a lot on her plate right now" I hum
"Okay well lets leave her a few days see how things go with mum and then we will get her to see Brooke"
"That sounds like a plan to me. Can we eat?" Niall says
"Niall we ate half an hour ago how can yo-. never mind, there is some stuff in the fridge" Liam said and i am kinda' pissed he can eat what he wants and never gains weight but i look at chocolate and gain pounds. Lucky fucker.
A few more days pass and again i haven't seen Louis and i can feel myself being more tired as the day passes. I hate this, it's like i have to fucking depend on a Alpha to live, not to just any Alpha, Louis! and i hate that. Why just me, Louis i assume is just fine but i haven't seen him at meals but sometimes i feel him watching from a distance.
"What do you think about asking him for like a jumper or something for you to get his scent so you stop feeling like this?" Practical Liam asks.
"And admit the effects this is having on me, that i'm now dependant on his scent, hell no i would rather die thank you" I say stubbornly.
"Always so dramatic" Liam said with an eye roll
"It's not dramatic" I huff, but i know i am.
"Sure and Niall isn't always hungry" Liam says sarcastically making me laugh and Niall pull the most offended look he could muster but can't and burst out laughing too.
Right at that moment i have this feeling inside that something is wrong with Louis, I don't know what is going on but i feel i need to get to him so i take off running in the direction that feels right hearing Niall and Liam following but calling out to me, I run into the woods around the pack house for a few minutes until i spot Louis trying to fight off two people in their wolf form, him in flesh clearly not having time to change. So i do what's probably going to get me killed and run toward him to help, sneaking up on one wolf i ram into it's side knocking him off balance while to my left i see Liam doing the same to the other wolf. This gives Louis the chance to change into his wolf. A large....very large pure black wolf, eyes changing to a blood red. Growling at one wolf he pounces and goes straight for it's throat pinning it to the ground. It struggles to get loose but Louis grips harder, digs his front paws into the ground and pulls, literally pulling his throat out successfully killing the wolf. He then turns to see Liam fending off the other wolf so joins to help him jumping straight onto it's back so it falls to the side while Liam gets the chance to grip it's throat and bite down cutting of it's air supply. As it struggles to get loose it slowly stops moving until it's body gives in then he is dead.
I let out a breath of relief as i now notice Niall holding onto my arm, looking around to make sure there are no other threats, it seems to be clear. I walk over to Liam taking off my coat to cover him as he changes back into human form so he can cover himself as Niall does the same for Louis.
"Jesus Harry that was so stupid what were you thinking?" Liam scolds me loudly
"I was thinking there was a dam threat and the kids are not far from here. Don't shout at me Liam" I practically shout back "You know i can defend myself" this i say quieter so Louis can't hear, he doesn't need to know that.
"He's right omega that was stupid!" Louis pipes up like he has any right on what i can or can't do.
I turn to him with an angered look on my face.
"You could just say fucking thank you! Don't ever think you have any right thinking you know what's best for me or what i can do!" I shout at him. I just saved his fucking life and this is the thanks i get, well fuck him. I turn on my heel and start to walk away, adrenaline still pumping and now my anger. Who do either of them think they are. Liam of all people knows i cant defend myself. All them fucking years in them god forsaken lessons were not wasted. I am one of the only omega's who can fight an Alpha and not die, i in fact have beaten Liam many times in a fight.
"And by the way i have a damn name...use it" I shout back at Louis. Stomping all the way back towards where the children are to make sure they are okay and nothing else is around. They must have heard the fight coz they all look scared so i bend down and open my arms for them and the twins rush over to me hugging tight
"We saw you running and then heard fighting noises, we thought you were hurt Harry. Are you ok?" Pheebs asks sounding like she may cry
"I'm fine love, just had to make sure you both were safe and to help your brother" I tell them trying to reassure them. I heard movement behind me and see Liam, Niall and Louis walking towards us. When the girls see Louis they rush off to jump at him and make sure he is okay. It was a sweet moment, then i realise i'm pissed at him, also Liam. So i stand back up looking towards them.
"Girls i will see you at dinner okay. Why don't you come inside and find your mother while Louis makes sure out here is safe okay" I say to the girls and hold out my hands so they can come with me also to gesture to Louis to fuck off away from me. The girls kiss Louis on the check and say bye and run back to me as we make our way back inside. We find Jay in the family room reading a book and i give her a quick run down of what happened and she tells me she will inform Mark and get some more guards out to help Louis and try find out who those people were but i am sure i won't get the true answer to that but some bull shit story instead. So i just nod at her hive the girls a kiss on the forehead and make my way to my room. Liam and Niall coming also but neither saying a word to me.