Part 5

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Written: November 1 2023 - Updated: November 16 2023.

Toby's Pov -

'I wonder what that girl's name is, I mean, I can get to know her more. Cuz she's now a new Creepypasta, I overheard Slender talking to her earlier. Finally, someone new in this boring ass mansion' *tic*. Damn, these tics are so annoying.

They only get worse from here. Ehh, oh well. There's not much I can do about them. I sigh deeply, BEN then enters the room. "Oh, hey Toby."

I wave back, "Hey, whatcha doin', BEN?" I looked at him curiously. "Oh, just goin' on a mission, I was sent to kill a woman named [M/N [Y/L/N]"

Then, a moment later, a somewhat short girl bursts in the room. "Nuh-uh! You don't get to kill my mum!"

BEN's eyes widen a bit, "Who the hell are you?" The girl sighs, "I'm Y/n, the newest Creepypasta. But, you cannot kill my mother."

"Why not?" BEN asked, tilting his head to the left a bit. "Because, I wanna kill her."

'Wow, that was.. unexpected, I guess'. "Oh, sorry 'bout that, I'll talk to Slender about it then."

Reader's Pov -

'Hmm, I swear Slenderman said something about me getting to kill my mum. Oh well, I don't care, as long as I get the kill, I'll be cool.'

As soon as that weird elf boy left the room, I was left with the weird ticcing boy.

*Crunch.. Snap*

I winced at the cracking sounds the boys neck made. I'm pretty sure he could tell I was uncomfortable. "So, what's your name?", I speak up, trying to make things less awkward.

"My name's Toby; Ticci Toby." Hmm. Perfect name for him. Ticci Toby, it really suits him, those tics are so unsettling.


I shudder at the sound. 'God, that sounds so sick, how does he not feel his neck cracking? It sounds like it hurts.'

"Yo, is somethin' wrong?" The boy now known as Toby asks, with a somewhat confused and concerned look on his face.

"Nope, nothing's wrong. If you don't mind me asking, though... why does your neck crack like that?"


"I have tourettes.." 'Ohh, that makes more sense.. so that's why he's got all those tics. But, it still doesn't explain how he doesn't feel his neck cracking like that.

"I have alot of stuff wrong with me.. I have a disorder that makes me unable to feel any pain, whatsoever. Though, I can still feel mental pain, like sadness or anger."

"That's, -" I pause for a moment, thinking of a response that wouldn't come off as rude; "That's nice."

'Shit- I'm such an idiot-'. "Yeah, I guess it is.." Toby says quietly as he looks down at the floor for a moment. Then, he looks up a bit to see me, "How're your wounds doing?"

'Wounds? Oh! My back!'. "They're doing.. better," I shuffle uncomfortably, "But, how'd you know about the wounds?"

"Well, I saved you. You would've been ripped to shreds by the Rake if I hadn't helped you. The Rake is such an ass." My eyes widen a bit, 'So he knows that creature? Hmm.. and the creatures name is - The Rake? Odd.'

"Thank you, for saving me."

"It was no problem, how'd you even end up this far into the woods, though?"

"Oh, well.. I kinda.. killed someone, then made a run for it once I heard some footsteps coming towards the screams from the girls."

"Damn. Why'd ya kill 'em?"

"They bullied me. So, I needed revenge, they needed to die and pay for what they did to me. Not only me, but my brother as well."

"Sorry if this is a sensitive topic, Y/n. But, what happened to your brother?"

I go completely silent for a few moments, I let out a shaky, shallow breath. "H-he.. he commit suicide."

"Oh- I'm sorry.. I'll stop asking questions now."

"I-it's fine. It was.. awhile ago."

Toby stayed quiet for a bit, then finally asked, "Want some waffles?"

I smile, trying to cover the sadness I was feeling. It was also just in the air, the sadness lingering around us, weighing us down mentally.

"Yes, please. That'd be great."

Toby's mouth guard shifted upwards a bit, so I'm assuming he smiled. He spun around quickly and ran to one of the cupboards and grabbed a bowl.

"Great! I'll make them homade, for you!"

"Thanks!" I say with a smile, all of the negativity in the room was now gone; replaced with a positive aura around both of us.

'Man, Toby's being quite nice to a stranger like me- well, were not just strangers anymore, were more like; acquaintances? Yeah, that's the right word. At least, it sounds like it.'

I sigh calmly, standing at the island in the middle of the kitchen, using my elbows to prop myself up.

I notice that Toby's just going absolutely crazy with the waffles, adding random, unnecessary ingredients. Oh well, it still looked okay. As longs as there was no poison in it.

I watched as Toby happily made the waffle batter, then poured it into the waffle maker that had been plugged in already.

Toby seemed fairly chill, we talked for awhile after we ate. We even played some video games together. Toby was a lot of fun, though his tics were unsettling. I didn't care though.

His tics just added more to him as a person, his hatchets are pretty cool too. Maybe I'll get to pick out a special weapon for myself, eventually.

I wonder what it'll be like, living the life as a Creepypasta. A brand new life, I have a chance to restart, but as a killer, new home, new people.

I can still keep my identity, and I can just make up a cool Creepypasta nickname or somethin'.

I'm pretty confident that it'll be a good life. Much needed freedom, especially from my mum. I'll feel a lot more accomplished once I finally end her life.

Seeing the look of pure horror and betrayal on her face, what a lovely look. It suits her. I grin at the thought, tying her up, making her suffer.

She can finally get what she deserves, and nobody can stop me from killing her. Nobody. Nobody can get in my way.

And I'll make sure of that, I won't stop until that whore is finally dead.

A/N -

Just letting y'all know what these mean, just in case ya don't know.

[M/N] = Moms Name.

[Y/L/N] = Your Last Name.

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