♡~||Chapter 21||~♡

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Me: Here's Chapter 21~ Don't own the art above! Credit goes the the person who created that beautiful piece~ Also that is what they are wearing in this chapter cause why not? lol, Enjoy~


Last Time on 'Shaman High School'!

"Dear...maybe we've been going at this the wrong way."

"Keiko...Maybe what Anna has said is true, and what we just witnessed. It seems, Hao has changed for the good but do we deserve his forgiveness is the question..."

"Hai...I know for one always wanted to know my other son even if he is my ancestor, I still felt protective of him. I wanted to hold both of my sons, but father he..." tears welled up in her eyes.

Her husband places his hand on his wife's shoulder pulling her into his arms lovingly.

"We'll talk to both Hao and Rose, we have so many things to say and lots of time to apologize. He will not forgive us easily..."

Keiko lifts her head smiling softly at her husband "We won't give up if it'll take an eternity to get his forgiveness. I just want both of my sons back."


Rose's POV

After Hao and I kissed, I noticed his other family members staring at us- more like at me in shock. I felt smug about seeing their reaction like in-your-face suckers~! I smirk when Hao snorts, pecking my lips.

"Your thoughts are truly amusing, love~."

Giggling softly then seeing Yoh's friends handing him their presents, excitement hit me. I picked up the bag where I kept Hao's gift, feeling nervous now too, and held it out to him blushing shyly seeing the surprised look on his face, and then his eyes softened. He smiles warmly at me, taking the bag from my hands gently. He took out the plastic paper I put in there to cover the present I got him. He pulled the gift out and held it in front of him blinking in surprise.

"It's...a poncho cloak."

Smiling warmly "Hai, there's another gift inside that I made myself. Anna taught me how to sew, and well...I wanted to buy a gift and also make one by hand, it took me three days and thankfully she taught me after the cheerleader practice."

"That explained you finishing late."

He reached in again grabbing the other one, pulling it out, and when he brought it out and held it out to look at it his eyes widened.

"This is...how--" His eyes snap over to me, with an emotion flash across his eyes. 

I smiled shyly, and sheepishly scratching my cheek "When I entered your mind and saw everything on our date, I saw that you wore that cute blue poncho cloak with stars around it I had to make it I-I hope that was okay?"

He chuckles cupping my cheeks and pulling me forward so our foreheads touch, staring at me with such gentleness and love.

"You are something, hime. You are my personal angel~ So pure, and with so much love in your heart."

"H-Hao-kun, I did it because I love you so much."

"And I love you too, my hime~. Now when it comes to your birthday, I'll have fun spoiling you~."

My face burns hot, pouting as he laughs kissing my nose as Yoh walks over to us.

"Hey, nii-san, Rosie-chan."


"Ah, hello little brother."

"Hi Yoh-kun, oh! Here's my present to you, Mitsuki-chan helped me pick this out since she knew you more than me."

I pulled out the gift card from my pocket and held it out to him. He blinked in surprise, and happily took the gift card his eyes lit up and cheered, and ended up hugging me tightly I laughed when Hao said 'Oi! Hands off my hime, little brother!' When Yoh lets go and thank me, he rushes towards his friends showing them what I got him, I turn back to Hao seeing him pouting I snort at his jealousy~. He sent a playful glare at me, but it went away when I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He laughed kissing my forehead.

After a bit, Hao hands Yoh his present surprising him, and his eyes sparkle seeing Hao got him a new orange headphone to listen to his music. Yoh thanked his brother and handed him his present. It was Hao's turn to be surprised his brother got him something, he smiled thanked him, and opened the box his eyes widened looked up at Yoh, and then back at the thing Yoh got him. I was curious so I leaned over looking over Hao's shoulder and looked surprised then smiled at Yoh's kindness.

He chuckles and rubs behind his head giving him the eyes closed smile.

"I thought since you like composing music you need headphones. It's the same brand as mine, but I got the red one instead of orange."

"Heh...arigatou, little brother."

"I gotta show Suki-chan what you got me~."

I giggled as Yoh rushed back to his friends and showed Mitsuki the new headphones to her saying Hao got him them. I lean against his back wrapping my arms around his waist, leaning my chin against his shoulder.

"Are you having fun, Hao-kun?"

"...Hai, truthfully this is a bit overwhelming. I always celebrated my birthday alone in my bedroom, and now celebrate with the person I love, my brother, and his annoying friends."

Giggling "Hey, they grow on you though~ You haven't called them 'Loser friends' like you always called them, actually you've been calling them just Yoh's friends or annoying friends. You know...they are also your friends too. They started accepting you as their friend too, it just takes time." I told him smiling and kissing his cheek.

"Hmm...now that you said that, I noticed it too. I guess I'm starting to finally let my past go and move on to the future, and my future is with you."

Blushing at his words, I felt warmth and happiness when he said I was his future. I suddenly got this nagging feeling again, I know Lucy is doing okay and I hope she's safe. But something just bugging me, so I excused myself asking where the bathroom was he told me and asked if I needed him to show me but I smiled kissing his cheek and saying he should stay and mingle with the others. When I found the bathroom I entered it and closed the door.


A big white tiger with yellow eyes appeared in front of me.

"Hai, Rose-hime?"

"Can you go find Lucy-chan's house, and see if she is okay? I...I have this bad feeling she's in trouble."


He jumps out of the Asakura compound/house, I wash my hands and leave the bathroom but then I turn the corner and I bump into a chest. I blink confused look up and see a tall older man with long hair in a low ponytail against the back of his neck, and wearing some kind of mask covering his face.


The older man chuckles, patting my head as I look freaking confused why he's laughing and patting my head...creepy.

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