Cupbearer Arc II: Pugnacity

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It is just another day for Kim Jungeun.

She normally wakes up early, around 4 AM and it is the time she will begin her routine. She pulls up a quick shower, a quick bite, and prepares her clothes and bag that she will use throughout the day. Her first job in a day starts in 7 AM at Mugiwara Shop, yet before she goes there, she needs to drop by in a laundry shop for her dirty clothes.

The streets of Hirata Neighborhood are someplace that Jungeun get used to it. Despite it is part of a bustling city, it has a sort of serene breeze every morning. Jungeun undeniably adores this feeling.

She reaches to the laundry shop which is just two blocks away from the apartment, and it seems already busy for the day.

"Ohayou!" Jungeun greets, walking in the pane. The current attendant, a middle-aged woman looks at her.

"Ohayou, Jungeun-chan."

"Hehe, I'll just ask for your service once again, Maeda-san," Jungeun says and places the bag of laundry at the counter. Maeda takes it as Jungeun places the pay next.

"By the way, Jungeun-chan, a new business is opening on the other block. They need help for their opening, you might be interested," Maeda informs.

Jungeun widens her eyes in curiosity.

"Oh really, Maeda-san?" Jungeun ponders a bit, "...It's interesting."

"Just ask around and they'll tell you where," Maeda adds.

Jungeun nods, "Thanks Maeda-san."


Jungeun is standing in front of a store. She can clearly smell the new paint, the concrete, and some wood varnish. She can tell that this café—the new business that Maeda is talking about is this one. She can see the hiring poster on the glass pane as she walks closer to read the specifics.

"Ah... giving handouts," Jungeun nods, "The thing is when is the opening..."

"Ohayou gozaimasu!"

Jungeun is startled and even steps aback, seeing a young lady in maid uniform.

But the more elegant type.

"What can I do for you, miss?" She asks. Jungeun blinks as she chuckles.

"Ahh... I was interested about the part time for the opening. Is it still available?" Jungeun asks.

Jungeun realizes something. Did I assume she works here?

The lady smiles and raises a finger, "Yes, it still is. So glad someone took interest."

"Yeah..." Jungeun then bows, "I'm Kim Jungeun, by the way..."

"Aoshima Kokoro. Nice to meet you, Kim Jungeun-san," Kokoro says, "Well, let's go in so you can meet the owner."

Jungeun bobs her head, "Ah yeah..."

Kokoro turns around and enters, as Jungeun fixes her scarf first before following in. The café still reeks of its scent of newness, as Jungeun smells a black coffee, spotting a man who seems in his mid-thirties, preparing the said coffee.

"Oshinari-san," Kokoro calls, as Oshinari looks at her, "She wants to apply for a part-time."

Oshinari looks at Jungeun next as Jungeun bows her head a bit. She seems to grip her scarf tight, which Oshinari appears to notice as she raises her head again.

"I'm Kim Jungeun..." Jungeun introduces herself.

Oshinari remains just straight staring at her, "Are you fond of coffee?"

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