forty nine

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••• Class Historian •••

Nothing like skipping school on a Friday for a trip to your god-esque boyfriend's grandfather's shrine.

Lloyd shifted the spare mask he gave me, making sure that it was tightened just enough around my head. Misako, Garm and Wu were at the museum exhibit dedicated to the shrine while the rest of the team attended school.
Hehe. Losers.
Cole had joined us, having already ventured forth and to scout out the surrounding terrain, searching for things that may have been overlooked. The excavation team still milled around, staring at the green ninja in awe.

"I still don't understand why my parents insisted you come with," Lloyd confessed, stepping back. His dragon nudged my arm, asking for pats. I absentmindedly stroked his face and he rumbled in delight. I shrugged at Lloyd.
"Maybe it's got something to do with the prophecy?" I suggested, not willing to admit that the visit to the shrine wasn't about the prophecy but, truly, about his very nature. "It's a day off from school, though, so I'm not complaining."
"Of course you're not," Lloyd grinned, going to reach out for me before stopping himself and clearing his throat. I raised my brows amusedly while his dragon disappeared in a burst of green. No intimacy allowed while on the job, less people find out about the green ninja supposedly having a girlfriend (as then, consequently, all hell would break loose).
It seemed that Lloyd was struggling.

We made our way over to the group of excavators who dug up the shrine. They were hovering to the side, eyeing us with ogling stares as they had a morning tea break.
"Green ninja," said the lady in charge, stepping forward with a composed grin that barely covered her excitement. "It's such an honour to have you here."
"Thanks for agreeing to let us have a look," Lloyd replied, crossing his arms as he took on a serious aura that I hadn't seen him use before. The lady turned her gaze to me. Her smile tightened.
"And you are..?"
"My colleague," Lloyd answered for me, so she returned her attention back to him. Eagerly. The way my stomach did a jealous twist was almost amusing. "She's here to help me and Earth to investigate. When did you first discover the shrine?"
"A few weeks back," the lady, whose name was Cassandra, answered. "It was by total luck we stumbled upon it."
"What were you doing here originally?" Lloyd asked, green eyes narrowed as he took in the scene - bush cradling against the mountain side. I would've considered it tranquil had it not been for the bunch of people milling around, the trucks and the caution tape.

"Somebody was going for a hike when they reported rumbling sounds coming from within the mountain," Cassandra explained. "First on the scene were volcanologists but when they discovered the shrine, we were called in."
Lloyd nodded slowly, taking in her words as he turned back to look at the boss.
"Do you mind if we take a private look?" he asked.
"Of course," she said with a nod, eyes shifting to me briefly before jumping back to Lloyd with a glint in her gaze. "If you need anything, just ask."
I bristled, wanting to laugh in shock. Wow. Props to Cassandra. That had some balls to be so blatantly open about wanting to bed the green ninja.
Lloyd was unphased, though his green eyes did flicker to me quickly before returning.
"We'll let you know," he nodded, and her smile fell, before he placed a hand on the small of my back to lead me towards the shrine.
It quickly dropped. An almost fatal slip up.

"Do people usually do that?" I asked as we stopped outside the entrance of the shrine, all columns and carved rock. I would've admired it in awe if I wasn't still strung up about Cassandra hitting on my boyfriend (even if she didn't know that he was taken).
"Do what?" Lloyd asked, only giving me a percentage of his attention as he slowly walked around the entrance, looking for anything out of the ordinary. I followed, arms crossed.
"Hit on you," I huffed while we played investigator. "She was practically spreading her legs."
Lloyd barked a laugh, turning fully to me as he sent an amused look.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "A lot of people have a crush on the green ninja."
My brow furrowed in frustration as he moved inside the shrine. It was a circular room, gorgeous depictions of dragons taking up the ceiling and walls. Lloyd noticed my expression and snorted.
"Are you jealous?"
"Of course I'm not," I scoffed. "Why would I be jealous? There's nothing to be jealous of."
"She's twice my age."
"She doesn't know that," I pointed out in a snarl and Lloyd laughed.
"You're adorable," he hummed amusedly as he pulled me in by my shoulders, shaking his head.

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