~Chapter 4~

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Most of this chapter is from the original book, I did not write most of this. 

TW: Caps

By the fifth day I was so tired of baloney I nearly got sick every time I looked at it. We had eaten all our candy bars in the first two days. I was dying for a Pepsi. I'm what you might call a Pepsi addict. I drink them like a fiend, and going for five days without one was about to kill me. Johnny promised to get some if we ran out of supplies and had to get some more, but that didn't help me right then. I was smoking a lot more there than I usually did--- I guess because it was something to do--- although Johnny warned me that I would get sick smoking so much. We were careful with our cigarettes--- if that old church ever caught fire there'd be no stopping it. On the fifth day I had read up to Sherman's siege of Atlanta in Gone with the Wind, owed Johnny a hundred and fifty bucks from poker games, smoked two packs of Camels, and as Johnny had predicted, got sick. I hadn't eaten anything all day; and smoking on an empty stomach doesn't make you feel real great. I curled up in a corner to sleep off the smoke. I was just about asleep when I heard, as if from a great distance, a low long whistle that went off in a sudden high note. I was too sleepy to pay any attention, although Johnny didn't have any reason to be whistling like that. He was sitting on the back steps trying to read Gone with the Wind. I had almost decided that I had dreamed the outside world and there was nothing real but baloney sandwiches and the Civil War and the old church and the mist in the valley. It seemed to me that I had always lived in the church, or maybe lived during the Civil War and had somehow got transplanted. That shows you what a wild imagination I have.

He looked so peaceful sitting there, his shoulders were drooped- in a relaxed way. I got up and walked over to him.

"Hey, Johnny."

He slammed the book closed, and looked over his shoulder. "Oh," a look of relief came over his face. "Hey, Pony."

I plopped down beside him on the church's back steps. "What part are you at?"

"Oh, I don't know... Some part?" He said with a laugh. A sudden look of scared came over his face. "Uh, Pony?"

"Yeah?" I answered.

"You know how Soda and Steve are dating?"

Of course, I know that Soda and Steve are dating! Steve comes over almost every night! "Yeah"

"And you know how they are Bisexual?"

I was starting to get annoyed, "Yes?"

"I wanted to know if your-" He paused and gulped, "Gay... or something."

I was confused, and him and myself. If I didn't know what I was, how could I tell him?!

"Uh," I blushed, not knowing what to say.

"I just wanted to know if you..." he paused, "Oh, never mind." He started to get up and walk away.

I don't know what came over me, "I LIKE YOU TOO!" I blurted. I clapped my hand over my mouth.

"Oh," Johnny said, "Oh no, you don't have to feel sorry for me..." he went on mumbling about how he was the worst.

I jumped up and started after him, "No Johnny-"

A tear ran down his face.

"No, no, no. You just feel sorry for me, you're just sorry that I..." He kept rambling.

"Johnny, wait-"

"I'm just ruining your life now!" He started to yell, "I'M the one who killed Bob, I'M the one who roped you into this, I'M the one who should be running away, NOT YOU!" He sank to the ground sobbing. "I've ruined your life."

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