Chapter 23--Sacrifice

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Taesan: Thousands of python are coming toward the Flora village!!

Y/n:Oh no ---What are we going to do now??

Heeseung:The people of Flora village along us, everyone is in danger..

Niki:We need to make sure everyone stay at home after ensuring all the doors and windows are closed properly.. Leaving me and Heeseung hyung and Mrs Park,all are humans..They can't survive after getting bitten by those python..

Taehee:As if we don't exist..

Taesan:We need Silver swords to cut the python's head..

Y/n: Sheriff Junie has them.. Does silver swords kill python??

Niki: Silver is regarded as a pure metal among the vampire,werewolf, hybrid and blessed cursed clan..Silver swords are used to kill the evils..

Heeseung:We need to find Sheriff Juniee..Let's go,Y/n,Niki,Taehee and Taesan..

Mrs Park:I am coming along too..

Heeseung: No -Mrs Park..You need to stay here .

Mrs Park:But--

Taehee:I am not going..I will stay here with Sunghoon..

Y/n:Okay..Taehee,stay here and Mrs Park, please stay here too...

Mrs Park:Okay--Take care....


We went outside and Heeseung made the plan.. Heeseung and I will search Sheriff Junie and collect the silver swords and Niki and Taesan will make sure no one comes out from their houses...

Heeseung and I went to the sheriff 's office but didn't find him..Then,we went outside to search him and there we found Sheriff Junie, Beomgyu and Felix yelling our Minho's name...

Y/n: Sheriff Junie... Where were you..We need your help...

Yeonjun:I will help you later.. First,search for Minho..He is missing...

Heeseung: Missing ??He is seriously missing..

Felix:Since last day--

Beomgyu:I am worried now.. What's happening in the Flora village??

Heeseung: Sheriff Yeonjun --Listen to me now..Do you have silver swords??

Yeonjun:Yes-I have imported silver swords...

Y/n:How many swords do you have??

Yeonjun:Around 15..

Heeseung:Good then--We need some swords..Now..

Yeonjun: Now??What happened??

Y/n: Pythons are coming...

Beomgyu:Oh no ---Not again --2 years ago --Werewolves came and now pythons are coming..

Y/n: Thousands of python are coming here .

Felix:Ahhh--This is scary...

Heeseung:So,we need to ----

Yeonjun:No need to say..I understood the assignment.Keeping all the villagers in their home,we will be prepared with silver swords to kill the python.

Y/n: Nice---You understood it.

Yeonjun:NOW, follow me..I will give you the swords you need now...


In the cave..

Minho was sitting inside and doing nothing .. He was blankly staring out through the bars of the prison..He was  hungry and tensed..He was worried about his people in Flora village.. Right that moment, Misha teleported in their base and Minho looked at her from the prison..


Misha:I am back..

Minho:Where did you go, Yoon Misha??

Misha:To find a way to set you free from the Mysterious prison.. I found this Ancient book.. I hope I can find a solution here..

Minho:Is it really true that this prison has no key to unlock it??

Misha:Yeah--and that's why it is called the mysterious prison.. But, don't worry.. I went to the ancient cave of Blessed cursed in the North Pole..

Minho:North Pole??

Misha:Oh--The 1st blessed cursed Child was kept imprisoned in that cave in the North Pole.

Minho:Oh my god--Why??

Misha:The 1st Blessed cursed Child was born with such power that she couldn't control and then her parents left her in the cave and inside the cave, they made a prison and put a spell that no key can unlock the prison.. And that's how the Mysterious prison was introduced..

Minho:So, Tanha also put the same spell in this cage..

Misha:Yes.. And now,let me read the book.. (Started reading the book)

Minho:Umm--Can I ask you a favor??

Misha:Yes.. Say..

Minho:I am hungry..

Misha:Oh-I see.. I can make your a sandwich..

Misha went and after few moments , she came back with 15 sandwiches.. She gave those sandwiches to Minho through the gap of the prison bars.

Minho:15 sandwiches.. This is too much..I can eat 2-3 sandwiches..

Misha:Eat and keep the rest for Taesan.I made it for Taesan too.. Firstly, he doesn't like me.. And I am in your team now. He won't believe it.. And so I want you to give the sandwiches to him.. My Tae loves to eat..

Minho:Misha.. You are really nice..

Misha:And you talk a lot.. Let me read the book and find a way to set you free, Lee Minho..

Misha startes reading the book and she became happy after finding a solution. But, the smile on her face slowly faded away.. Seeing this, Minho asked Misha..

Minho:What happened??


Minho:I sense something bad..

Misha:Its nothing-Just to hit on the bars of the prison for 1000 times..

Minho:That's all.. Or something is more??

Misha:No.Just 1000 hits... Wait.. I am coming in a minute..

Misha went and came back with a bag. She gave this bag to Minho.. Minho asked--

Minho:What is it??

Misha:It's all the gifts that I made for each birthday of Taesan. I never dare to give him as he doesn't like me. And I wrote a letter just now. Please, make sure to give this bag to him.

Minho:Okay--I will....

Misha started to hit the bars of the prison..She kept on hitting the bars and didn't stopped.. After a while,Minho spoke..

Minho:Hey--I am bored..Can we talk if you are not feeling disturbed?? You can hit the bars and talk with me..

Misha:Okayy--No problem..

Minho:I want to ask you a question.. How did you and your bitchy sister Tanha become too bad??

Misha:Ohh--It was like.... As we are born Blessed cursed Child, we were neglected everytime. Our parents didn't care for us.. You know, Taesan and Taehee was our neighbors.. Their parents cared for them, never hated them for being a blessed cursed. But, we suffered.

noways broo . why everyone is dying I am cryingg . it's was suppose to be a ff and here I am sobbing like baby.  😭😭

1w ago

kinda sus....why is Misha being so nice all of a sudden?!🤨🧐

1y ago

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