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"It's over for that ass" Zac said to himself as he was unlocking the front door, heading straight to the bedroom where Karen was dead asleep.

"Wake the FUCK up" He spat, grabbing the glass of water she had on her nightstand, and dumping it in her face.

He sat the glass down, as he watch Karen struggle for her life for a little bit, after she came to realization on what just happened she spoke "I just fucking know you didn't just dump water all over me Zachary, what the fuck is wrong with you" She hollered.

"I'm gone ask you this one time bro, and you better tell me the fucking truth, are you cheating on me? I swear and don't you even think about lying to me Karen"

"Please don't come in my fucking house, accusing me of fucking cheating on you" She said getting out the bed, at this point she was furious.

" I don't know what bitch got in your head while you was at that hospital, but you fucking tried it nigga"

" Pouring fucking water on me while I'm sleeping, have you lost your fucking mind" She continued.

" No you lost your fucking MIND, and you better be lucky that's all I fucking did, like if you gone cheat at least wear a fucking condom, passing around fucking diseases and shit because you don't know how to keep hot box in your fucking pants"

"I'm so fucking done with you, and I mean that. This is something we can't come back from"

"What you saying is I give you something?" She said looking at him shocked and confused.

"Wait.." she paused for a second, before she spoke again "you gaslighting me" she said following with a light chuckle. " you trying to say I give you something, but who's to say you didn't give it to me?"

"OH KAREN FUCKING PLEASE, ain't nobody fucking gaslighting you, just say you was out cheating bro"

"FUCKING FINE ZAC, I was cheating on you " She admitted "YOU HAPPY NOW? There I said it, now go run off to them bitches like you plan on doing"

"You're sad, you know that? Like I fucking invested 3 FUCKING years into your TRIFLING ass and this how you repay me? By stepping out on our relationship for what? " He asked pissed off.

The beginning of their relationship was too good to be true, Zac had meet Karen at a basketball game, the seat in the middle was empty, because Karen date had just canceled on her, and Zac being the gentleman he is, he sparked a conversation off with Karen. Ever since that day the two of them have been inseparable.

In the three years of them being together, the first year was really great, they were happy. They were the couple everyone looked up to. Zachary was a fan favorite, of Karen's friends and family. Although Zac didn't have nobody but his sister , he felt whole knowing someone else actually cared about him in a long time.

Until about two years ago, the first time Karen cheated was with her boyfriend from high school, you know what they say "sometimes you just gotta get that old fling back" and that's exactly what Karen did.

The second time Karen cheated was about another year ago, she didn't have the answer on why she did it, she just did it. She was out with her friends, and they all agreed on finding guys to do a "one night stand" with, instead of Karen going home to Zachary, she went to another guys house.

Karen came clean about the cheating, and apologized to him and although Zac was fed the fuck up by the cheating he decided to stick by her, and ever since then in Zac's mind Karen has been faithful until now.

Karen wasn't looking for relationship with these guys, just pleasure. Although we know Zachary could put it down, Karen just wasn't interested in Zac anymore. but she also didn't want to leave him.

The UnexpectedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ