"You know, so many girls are drooling for your brother these days." Han sighed, Yeji laughed at his comment "He says the same thing about you, great minds think alike Jisung." The teacher walked into the classroom, Coach Iben, who was apparently from the US was also the coach for the school's track team. "Welcome or welcome back to Liberty High of Gangnam kiddos, this is World History. So study up when you need to, today you can all just chill!" he seemed like a cool guy. "So, you're both into Hyunjin? Sheesh, he sure is a ladies man." Han rolled his eyes, to which Yeji laughed. "Careful with my brother you two, he's single, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped a girl for art. Like, actually." Yeji told Danielle and Y/n in a serious tone. Was Hyunjin that serious about art? Y/n didn't blame him, she was a total art freak as well, but she didn't think she would actually drop a guy for it.. "Sheesh, I love art, but not enough to drop someone.." Y/n laughed, making Yeji laugh as well.
"So, Han, are you and Hyunjin in like a friend group, or just you duo?" Danielle asked, leaning on her desk. Yeji opended her mouth to answer for him, but Han covered her mouth as he spoke "We're a friend group of eight. In age order it's Christopher, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, me, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin." Y/n perked up a bit at the name Christopher, "Wait, Christopher Bahng, like Chris, Bangchan?" she questioned, tilting her head. Han nodded, "Yeah, you know him or something?" he smiled, Y/n nodded back, "We bumped into each other earlier, and we have Chem together." Han made on 'O' shape with his mouth, then he leaned forward to whisper into Y/n's ear, "If you want to get close to Hyunjin, you could try befriending all eight of us and hanging out with us. Let's see, you are friends with me and Chris already, good start. Dunno if it'll work, but then you can be near Hyunjin a lot." then he sat back in his seat. "That's a good plan.. could work out.. two down but six to go.." Y/n thought, that's still quite a few people and she had no idea if she even had classes with them..
The bell rung, signalizing that class was over, fifth period had ended and it was now lunch time, Y/n decided to follow Han to lunch. "Lucky for you, all eight of us have the same lunch shift. Probably not ideal cause we can be chaotic, but who cares." he laughed. Once they arrived into the cafeteria, Y/n got a tray of K-BBQ, rice, a side of kimchi, and a cupcake, following Han to a table of boys. "Hey guys, newbie alert, this is L/n Y/n. She's a friend of mine." Han sat down and introduced her to them all, Bangchan instantly sat up straight and waved at her, "Hey Y/n! Small world, huh? Han, your friend is also my friend!" he laughed. The others who hadn't met her yet greeted her, Hyunjin looked over at her, "Oh, hey art buddy." he gave a shy smile. "Art buddy..? That's a funny nickname." Y/n said in her head, waving to Hyunjin with a smile. Bangchan gasped after Hyunjin called her that and ran around the table to whisper into her ear, "When you told me about a guy in your art class, you were talking about Hyunjin, weren't you?" he nudged her. Y/n laughed and told him that he was right, he went back to his seat and gave her a smirk, now knowing her little secret. "What's that weird face for, Chris?" Felix laughed, poking Bangchan's face from across the table, "It's just my face you idiot! I have no idea what you are talking about." he laughed back.
The boys all seemed to enjoy Y/n's company, having a girl to converse with and get her opinion on things like whether a spoon and fork combined should be called a spork or a foon (lol, Felix's thoughts are funny). "You should sit with us everyday, you're welcomed here!" Changbin told her with a loud voice and a smile. Y/n thanked him as the bell rang for lunch to end, she waved goodbye to them all. "I think I've at least friended Changbin.." she thought to herself.
-ur probably not fav author, ella.

Art Lovers
Fanfiction**This is a Hwang Hyunjin (from Stray Kids) X Reader fanfiction. A lot of other idols will be mentioned in this story in order to give it more of a worldly feel (both from Stray Kids and other groups)** Y/n isn't particularly popular in school, but...