The Trembling

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Light. Air. Breeze. Salt.

I open my eyes to the familiar sense of warmth and sea. The sight of the emerald ocean sparkling under the rays of sunlight brings a small smile to my face.

This is my favorite place. My sole escape. And the scene that holds my most precious memories.

The hill by the Summer Palace.

Even now, I can hear the musical lilt of his laugh dancing along with the wind that smells like fresh earth and salty air. I can taste the sugar melting on my tongue. And I see him standing there, strong and unmovable against the backdrop of a cloudless sky.

My heart skips a beat when I realize he's really here. Waiting at the top of the hill, he stands facing the ocean with his hands clasped behind his back. Looking solemnly at the view, he looks lonely and forgotten.

Without a thought, my body moves towards him as if through the sheer force of nature, I am pulled towards the man holding my heart.

He must hear me approaching because he turns his face, and as our eyes meet, he offers me a small smile. I soar with happiness at the sight of those rare smiles of his and that little dimple I always love to find. But, there's something distant about him as he looks at me, and I long to bring him closer.

Richard walks towards me and takes my hand. "Jovine."


I freeze when my mouth doesn't move at my command. I want to speak, yet nothing comes out.

The gentle breeze crescendos until the current of air echoes through my ears. Richard's mouth moves in gentle syllables, but I don't hear a single word he says.

"Richard, what's going on?"

My voice fails to escape me, and panic begins bubbling in my chest.

"I can't hear you," I shout, but the gale carries my words far away.

I try to move towards him, but my feet stay grounded.

No. Let me move. Let me go to him.

Richard goes on, oblivious to my state. He suddenly takes out a small, ornate box, covered in strange engravings and places it in an outstretched hand that looks like my own.

Through the deafening sound of the wind, his muffled voice breaks through. "This belongs to you," he remarks, a small tilt gracing his lips. But, there's sadness weighing down his words.

He starts to speak once more, but the malevolent wind comes back to oppress his voice.

No. Please. Let me go —

The sun abruptly darkens until all the color is bleached from the world.

"RICHARD," I scream into the abyss.

The wind grows angry as it shoves at my swaying body, craving to rip me away from him. My vision grows dark, and the ground starts to rumble in reverberating trembles.

The quake shatters my consciousness until it feels as if I'm falling into the unknown.

No. Let me stay with him. Don't take me away —

"Your Highness!"



Jovine opened her eyes, waking to the frightened cries of her ladies-in-waiting. Panicked shrieks pierced her ears as shattering glass violently exploded onto the trembling floor.

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