hey hey hey! I'm back sorry i just grajamitated high school! But on the down side my fiancé is down at AIT. (military training), and i work a lot! but i am updating now and thats all that matters, right? on with the book.
Faya's P.O.V
Holy Fuck, That would explain a lot!
I look at Sin and grab her hand quickly, and drag her out of the room. As fast as I could, I pulled her out the back door. I look her in the eyes and say in a harsh whisper, "why didn't you tell me there were people in the room with you? And I know one of them , and now he is NEVER and I mean never going to let this go! DAMN! what am I going to do? I mean I can always move states or coun-" shut up. Baby doll, who do you know and you won't have to move away from me. Especially since I like your kisses a little to much." I giggle at Sins response, " ok, so I know AlexXavier or also known as X, and why is he here and who's the girl?" Sin smiles and says, "X works here that was the employee that Z wanted you to meet. Secondly the girl is Yardiia.(YAHR-DE-YA) Ya I know it is a weird name and all, but it is fun cuz they all go X, Y, Z, their mom was really creative!" I look at her like she needs to be escorted to a mental institution, but she doesn't notice she stare, just keeps laughing at her own little joke. I don't know what to do. Do I go back in there and face the consequences, or run.
As I ponder this thought I hear the door open and Yardiia comes out with a small smile. She looks from Sin to me then she reaches out her small delicate hand. When she speaks it comes out smooth and sweet like taffy. "Hi, I'm Yardiia, but every one calls me YAH, what's your name?" I swiftly took her hand and said, "my name is Sarafaya but everyone calls me Faya or Fay."
We shake hands and she smiles and says, "you know I can tell that you guys aren't actually dating. But my brothers faces where absolutely hilarious. After we had a small conversation we all went back inside. Me to face my impending doom, and them to be my cheerleaders to egg me on.
As soon as I walked back into that small little room X said, "well I'm glad that we all go that figured out, if you're ok then so am I. I have an appointment in 5 minutes, see you all later." With that he promptly walked out of the room with out saying another word.
I look at the clock and my shift ends in 2 minutes. I'm taping my foot like I'm listening to my own little saracha mini band in my head. I hear an voice being cleared over my shoulder, and I look only to see X giving me an annoyed look and I soon stop my tapping. He turns around and starts to pack up his stuff I look back at the clock and it hits 9:00. I grab all my stuff and I'm about to leave and Sin stops me.
S" Hey where are you going to night?"
F "Oh, me I'm going to the gym to work out for an hour before I go home do you wanna come?" Sin smiles meekly and then says, "Go watch you work out and get sweaty. Hell ya I'm totally down. I give an unlady like snort and we head out the door.
When we pull up I look at Sins face it reads shock and confusion. She reads the name of the gym out loud about 50 fucking times. Nahhh more like 5. Teddy's Boxing Gym. She looks at me with a open mouth and says "you're a boxer?" I just smile shake my head and open the car door and she follows me to the gym door.
When I open the door all I hear from behind me is WWwooooooohhh I smirk to my self. I walk a few steps into the gym and the few men that are here say or grunt their hellos. I wave back. Once I get back to the locker rooms Sin starts talking like a motorboat on jet fuel.
S, "Oh My Gosh..... When did you start going here? When did you start boxing? I seen a man I may go strait for. Do you think he is single? I mean if he is into me that is. This gym is so big. I wonder how many peoples sweat is on all of this equipment? Why do all the men kno-" I cut her off and say.
F, " ok first off, I've been going here since I mover here, so that would be half a school year, I started boxing in 9th grade." Sin butt in quickly, "why?" I answer, " I use to get bulled when I was younger my dad got sick of it so he started me in boxing lessons and from then on I have loved it ever since, as for the guy I don't know what one you were talking about," she was about to cut me off again but I silenced her before she could. "Yes this gym is big, as for the sweat thing that is gross, but they clean this stuff when the gym closes, and the guys know me because I work out here every day."
She looked at me with realization, and spoke, " so does that mean you could kick some bad guys asses?" I laugh at her and say yes she double fists the air.
After I answered all of her questions I got down to work on stretching before I worked out. Hey don't judge pulled muscles aren't fun. Sin and I were working out for about 30 minutes her on crunches and pushups and stuff like that that is on the list on the wall near her and I on the punching bag, and the speed bag when one of the guys called me over to the ring.
I hopped between the ropes and we bumped fist then we started a sparing match. I through a few jabs, did some blocks, then a few left and right hook combinations. I landed 90% of my punches and I got hit about 2 times one hard enough to split my lip. Before I could through any more punches, I heard a slow clap from the entrance. You would never guess who the fucker was.
Hey guys hope you liked it I will hopefully update on Thursday.
Lots of Love

So your a player, I'm playing hard to get
HumorSo I have stopped writing this book due to not having time back then. You are more than welcome to copy this book in ideas and in names. There is no copyright anymore on this book. Read at your own caution mature content will happen soon Sarafaya...