Ghost of You

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Ghost of You

Alana's POV


"You- You're not dead?" I hugged onto Jon and he winced from the pain of me gripping him so tightly. His skin was pale and still cold but the color and warmth was returning ever so slowly.

This is unnatural.

No one is meant to die and then rise from the dead... I mean... I know I begged the Red Woman to bring him back to me. But did I think it would actually work? No. Not at all. I had started to tell myself it was true. He'd be dead forever.

But now he's looking at me.

And he's... Naked.

I took a blanket off a table and wrapped it around him as he sat there. Staring off at the flames with a longing look in his eyes. Like he was seeing something that I couldn't. His grasp was still unsteady. He would reach his hand forward but it was like someone had been holding something in front of him then moved it abruptly before he could reach out to grab it.

"Jon?" I said softly, waiting for him to at least acknowledge that I was there. That I was speaking to him.

Melisandre stepped closer to him. Squinting slightly as she gazed into his eyes. Not once did his gaze meet with hers. It was like he was in another realm although he was sitting there in front of us.

"Lord Snow... Is there something you see in the flames?" She asked in her soft yet always seductive voice.

Jon nodded slowly. A bit of color returning to his cheeks now. I touched his hand and felt warmth again. This eased me slightly but the sight of the stab wounds tightened my stomach into knots and had me ready to start retching.

As much as I wanted to look away I couldn't.

I know the heart was the final blow... They know he thinks with his heart. He is weak in that sense. Always thinks with his heart. Uses his heart only. Follows only... His heart.

"What do you see, my Lord?" Melisandre asked as she knelt down before him.


Although he tilted his head slightly to the side and continued to stare into the hot flames that I could not bare to look at. It strained my eyes and hurt after just a few seconds. It was as painful as staring directly into sun.

"My Lord-"

"The night is dark and full of terrors..." Jon murmured under his shaky breath.

I gulped down and clutched his hand tighter. My eyes shifted to the Red Woman who looked at me and a speck of fear rested in her own eyes. That was her saying. She had say it many of times during our journey back to the wall.

She'd stare into the flames and say it.

She'd look at the night sky and say it.

She'd see shadows and say it.

The night is dark and full of terrors.

Melisandre nodded slowly and her lips parted to speak but nothing escaped her tongue. Just a breath that she had clearly been holding. I don't even believe she knew she had holding her breath at the time.

"What do you see?" She asked softly. "Or did you hear something?"

Jon said nothing. He blinked and then it was like a realization came to him. A revelation that he was in fact in this life again. Everything came back to him and even his chest puffed back up. His skin was no longer cold. His wonders were no longer fresh looking.

BLIZZARD: The Stolen Princess VOL 6 (JON SNOW X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now