★ Fever

795 19 129

(Final part to Faint)

Arthur and Francis arrived in the afternoon, and rushed to Alfred's house.

Matthew greeted them at the door.

"How's he doing?"

"...his temperature is high, he's been out cold for hours. I don't know what to do," Matthew panicked.

Francis tried to calm him down, and Arthur cursed and headed for Alfred's room.

After checking his temperature, Arthur cursed again. He poked Alfred, hoping to wake him up, but he was out cold.

Upon further examination, Alfred seriously didn't look good. He was slightly paler and his face had an expression of discomfort. There were large dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was messy. He laid on his bed in an uncomfortable looking position, one that showed stress and wear.

Arthur sighed. Alfred was always selfless in a sense, devoting his time to others and his work. He barely ever prioritized himself, only his country.

Eventually, Francis entered with Matthew, and sat down.

"How bad is it?"

Arthur sighed. "His temperature is 38.3 degrees. He hasn't woken up since the call."

The atmosphere in the room was thick and uncomfortable.

Until, something moved on the bed.

England jumped, until he realized-

Alfred stirred. Everything hurt, and his nose felt stuffed. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself on his bed.

And looking at him, were the faces of England, France, and Canada.

He jumped, shifting backwards, but then calmed down.

"You bloody git, you had us all worried!"

England contemplated saying anything further, as he didn't want to rile America up or make him feel worse.

"My head," was all Alfred said, and he leaned back, further into the pillow. He used his hands to try and block out the sunlight coming from the window.

Arthur closed the blinds, and helped Alfred sit up.

"You okay, eh?" Matthew silently asked.

"My head feels as heavy as a bowling ball."

Alfred then coughed.

"Sit up, you need to take some medicine."

Alfred groaned, but obeyed.

Slowly sitting up, he shakily took the medicine from Arthur and swallowed it, making a funny face.

"This tastes worse than your scones."

Arthur bit his lip to keep from responding, but was happy that Alfred still had his sense of humor. He grabbed the thermometer and had Alfred be still while he checked his temperature.

"Not much better. You need to get some rest, lad."

"Oui, but not before you eat something. You haven't eaten in the last, at least, 18 hours. I'm going to make you some fine French soup!

Francis marched downstairs, Matthew in tow.

Arthur rolled his eyes playfully. Alfred, tired of sitting up, banged his head against his headboard.

"Don't hurt yourself-!"

"Mm." Alfred just mumbled.

"You had me so worried. Stop overworking yourself, you git! I understand that it's busy for you but it's unhealthy." Arthur's tone and face softened.

"You're so busy, you need to take a break. What's been happening is not okay. I haven't been able to talk to you properly for so long because you've been out and about."

Alfred frowned sheepishly.

"I can't help it... boss is really just pushing all the work to me."

Arthur sighed in sympathy.

"Y'know... I do miss you."

Arthur looked up in surprise.

Alfred coughed, and smiled, "I never wanted all this work. Sometimes, I wish I were at the nation meetings, even with the chaos and all. Or at a party, or at your house. My life has become so... stressful. I want- to have some fun." He coughed again.

Arthur looked at him, his face softening. Alfred worked too hard, just like his citizens.

"I miss you as well. And we're going to spend some quality time together, as a family. I'll tell your boss that you're sick and need a break."

Francis came back in with the soup, and they started talking.

Alfred coughed, but smiled. He sat in silence as the others bickered and he laughed, Matthew sitting by him.

No matter what happens, family is forever.

Damn, he really needed to stop overworking.

Unfortunately, that wasn't really possible. But he'd need to find time in his busy schedule to have some fun, too.

After all, he was the hero.

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CHARACTERS (mentioned)
America - Alfred F Jones
England - Arthur Kirkland
France - Francis Bonnefoy
Canada - Matthew Williams

This is not exactly the way I wanted this threeshot to to. I wanted it to be heartfelt, emotional, angsty, the good stuff. But the stupid moi decided to go reread this freaking amazing Cardverse fanfic (THAT WASN'T FUCKING FINISHED. IM MOTIVARED TO WRITE MY OWN ENDING) which absolutely killed and inspired me. So, hey, cardverse, anyone? Let me know if you want the name of the story, because it is SO GOOD. I might even write some type of ending for it. I doubt the author would respond to me as they haven't updated their account since 2016.

Characters are ooc. I know that. Bare with me in my very hearty and sweet AU. Otherwise, the exit button should be on the top left corner if you're on the app. NO, it is NOT that chat bubble button on the right or bottom where you can (not) freely vent about innacuracies. My fanfics are already ship free, so enjoy thar. 🫶

I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN HATE YET. But that's a warning, dudes!

Upcoming chapter themes that I may write:
- Black Triange Trio
- Cardverse
- Some type of AU meetup?
- Alfred rants like crazy and becomes an angsty emo boy, dyes his hair black and only listens to children show's theme songs for hours.

Just kidding about the last one- partially.

Requests on chapter 1!
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