Esoteric (Pt. III) - K. HR x Reader

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A long and quiet ride was upon everyone.

The outcome of the situation was not what anyone had expected.

Even with the longing feeling of wanting to be closer to Kang Haerin, Y/n was not one to be accessory to infidelity.

- Y/N POV -

Miss Kang didn't look too happy with me.

After her attempts to kiss me, I ended up setting a clear boundary.

"I don't care if your husband cheats on you. I am not going to get in between a marriage!" I angrily yelled. 

"He is not my husband!" Haerin-ssi yelled back.

Haerin really seemed to dislike her fiancé.

"Driver, pull over!" She angrily ordered.

I gulped, uneasy with her request.

"Is she going to just leave me in the middle of nowhere?" I thought to myself.

Still, I tried to keep calm.

The driver soon pulled over at a rest stop and Haerin-ssi got out of the car. I followed after and walked over to the trunk.... expecting for my bags to be handed to me...

"What are you doing?" Miss Kang suddenly asked.

"I- I thought you were d-dropping me off," I stuttered out.

Haerin just sighed and shook her head. "I just need some air. I'm not upset with you for having morals," she softly spoke.

I took a deep breath, let it out, and nodded in response.

Haerin-ssi turned her back to me began to walk away.

Her driver pulled out a cigarette and walked over to a nearby smoking zone.

It felt like we had been there for a good half an hour.

I continuously kept an eye on Haerin.

After all, that's how I had fallen for her.

Every so often, she'd turn around to look in my direction.... as if she was checking on me...

"Huh? She looks different today," I started to think

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"Huh? She looks different today," I started to think.

Her sense of fashion looked much different than what she'd wear at the office or what she wore at the bus.

"Maybe I really don't know anything about her," I sighed out to myself.

Five more minutes passed and I began to feel uneasy.

It was an eerie feeling.

As if being watched.

A blacked out car suddenly started to circle the rest stop. It drove slower and slower as it reached where Haerin was standing.


I hesitated to walk over, but did so anyway.

I didn't want Haerin to get hurt in anyway.

Two men suddenly walked out of the car and made their way towards Miss Kang.

I picked up my pace and one man suddenly started to yell at her.

"You were supposed to leave at 7am. Not 6am. Do you know how long it took us to catch up to you?!" The man seemed very aggressive.

Suddenly, he lifted his hands as if about to touch Haerin-ssi and I wasn't having any of it.

Before the man could place his dirty hands on Kang Haerin, I rushed to step in front of her and grab his wrists.

"What the fuck?!" The man exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you touch her!" I raised my voice at him, snatching his arms away from me.

"Do you know who I am?!" The man started to get aggravated.

"Y/n-ssi, it's fine. They're my husband's guards. They're here to protect me," Haerin suddenly spoke up.

I sighed bitterly and took a step back.

"You shouldn't be yelling at your boss like that," I tried to hold in my anger.

I didn't find it right for Miss Kahn's employees to be yelling at her the way they were.

"She left an hour earlier than planned!!" The man started to yell again.

"I asked her to!!!" I yelled back.

I knew I shouldn't be lying, but it seemed like the only course of action to protect Kang Haerin.

"I asked her to!! I'm sorry I didn't run it past Sajangnim first! It slipped my mind!!" I started to get enraged.

The man bit the inside of his cheek, as if he knew he couldn't tell at Haerin-ssi for something that wasn't her fault.

"Don't let it happen again. My job is on the line if I have no idea where she is at all hours of the day," The man mumbled as he spat to the side of him.

I sighed in frustration and bitterly nodded in agreement.

I knew that rich people kept tabs on each other, but this seemed a bit excessive.

Specially after I had dismissed Haerin's claim of having to be "allowed" to take the bus.

- Haerin POV -

I was really surprised by Y/n's actions.

"You didn't have to lie for me," I mumbled in embarrassment as we got in the car.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"You shouldn't be treated like that," Y/n finally whispered back.

It got quiet again.

For the next hour or so, Y/n and I just sat quietly. Neither of us having anything to speak about.

Although, the entire time, I just kept thinking about how Y/n said... "You shouldn't be treated like that"....

For someone with good morals, it was surprising to hear that some things in my life weren't okay.

I always did my best to be the best fiancé and daughter-in-law I could be. So, I always did as I was asked. Even though, at times, it felt like the way I was treated was all wrong.

"I'm sorry," Y/n suddenly whispered.

"Huh?" I hummed out in confusion.

"I'm sorry about what I said at the restaurant.... about needing permission to ride the bus.... I didn't know Sajangnim was not a very good person..," Y/n explained themselves.

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