Nigerian Romance

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When the Hatima Tribe was again safe from the returning and defeated Somalians, Anathi was honored by the Hatima Tribe as a hero and defender for standing up against Captain Kirabo, and saving the chief's daughter. Akhona will guide the prince and his panther friend to Congo where they will reach into the jungle, finding the lost temple where the Eye of Bongani is hidden. After being given a fresh food, even to Elethu who was treated well by the children in the tribe, they warmed themselves up for the night, and are going to have a fresh start in the morning. When they will now leave for Congo along with Akhona, Murati gives Anathi an offer. To make sure his daughter will be safe from harm ways. If Elethu will do it for King Amadau and Queen Thema, Prince Anathi will be the one to watch over Akhona, the daughter of Chief Murati and the future chieftess of the Hatima tribe. Akhona has never left her village before, but always allowed to go somewhere that isn't far from it. But she will gone on a long expedition with the prince of Nigeria, and might not be back until their home is saved. Akhona said goodbye to her father, which was emotional like the time when Anathi said goodbye to his parents. Now there are three of them in the journey. Two humans who are children of the ones that rule and protect their people, and a panther that got the abilities from Gamada to speak, and be the one to reveal that the Somalians are back for a revenge. Even how long it will take for Anathi to be far away from home and his family, Amadau and Thema miss him very well, and are at the balcony thinking of him. Gamada did miss the prince too, and knows that the ancestors were watching over him. And Anathi is even old and brave enough to defend himself from evil threats.

When the trio is close enough to reach Congo to Bongani, they will begin another campout, waiting for the sun to rise again, and give them more light to keep up on their journey. During the night, Akhona learned that Anathi was introduced to three princesses from three kingdoms, such as Kenya, Ghana and Mali, who are not like other female royalties, especially when Queen Thema was a princess herself in the past. Anathi refused to choose any of them as their bride, and knew they were not Nigerians like him. Akhona said they both have to same problem. She herself was flirted by male villagers of the Hatima Tribe. But she was never into any of them who are all so ridiculously womanizer. And if Anathi would want to marry a princess, he needs to know if he really loves any of them, or get to know them even. Akhona was right, and that she understands Anathi well, as he understands her. She would either be married to a villager that was a warrior in the tribe, or a normal one that doesn't fight or protect anyone from danger. When she said she was saved by someone that wasn't part of the tribe, Anathi knew she was talking about him. He couldn't just let Akhona get killed, or if she was not a nice person, he would still not let a single villager get killed. Anathi saved Akhona, because her father is a very old friend of his father, which could them old friends someday, with their relationship grow more. It was getting late, and they should get some good night sleep, or they will stay up all night talking about their feelings. When Akhona was asleep, Anathi was not yet to be sleeping. He decide to walk away, and sit down on a stump thinking of something.

Elethu was beside the two of them during the argument, and knew that they could have been sharing feelings for each other, and knew Anathi could be in love with Akhona. And she could possibly be in love with him. They are both Nigerians, and Anathi was the one who wanted to be married with his own nationality. It was like a part of the potion was placed in Elethu's water to read minds. But the panther could not do such thing, only talked like the humans, and was thinking during the argument, Anathi and Akhona were trying to share feelings for each other, and that he saved her, because he thinks she's beautiful enough for the kingdom of Nigeria. So Anathi revealed that he does have a huge feeling for Akhona, and that she was a Nigerian, but not a royal Nigerian like him. A prince can only be married to a princess, but not a villager. It was his parents' fault about the rules, the first rulers of Nigeria brought this upon their family. But both king and queen in the present are Nigerians. Never knew which of them were royalties or born to a normal and poor family. Elethu said if any of his parents was a one royal to the throne of Nigeria, and became in love with the one who is part of the poor ones, Anathi could become a loved one for Akhona, and she could become the same for him. Felt like Elethu had problems, and could be right. Anathi needs to know if the chief's daughter will ever be into him. He's just not sure how to begin with. But Akhona was awaken, and could hear Anathi and Elethu talking, and heard everything they were saying. She felt like Elethu was right about her, and she does have feelings for Anathi. Not because he's a prince, but a brave hero that would risk his life for someone she just met yesterday. When they will keep going in the morning, Akhona decided to respect Anathi well, not only for being a Nigerian royalty, but a savior of her life. Anathi have also decided to someday, when the Eye of Bongani is found and Africa is all safe, his love for Akhona will be revealed. Just need to be sure if his parents will allow him to become engaged with someone he really loves.

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