You're safe baby

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It was the night before the Arsenal girls were set to play Everton. Despite being back in full training, Evie wasn't in the squad. It was a decision that her and Jonas had made together and they knew that for now, that was best.

She was lying in bed, the gentle glow of her fairy lights making her room seem cosy. She could do this. She could get to sleep by herself.

As soon as she closed her eyes, her brain began to rush. It was going into overdrive and she needed to do something.

Her eyes sprung open and she focused on the stars that were strung around the room. It was a kind light that made her feel warm and happy. That was what she needed to focus on.

Evie was determined. She would get to sleep by herself. It wasn't that difficult.

Every time she closed her eyes, the fear boiled inside of her. She couldn't do it. She was too much of a baby. The panic was growing and growing.

"Where are you, you stupid little bitch?" her dads harsh voice rung out. She'd heard him walk up the path and the slam of the front door had sent pure shivers down her spine.

She knew that she'd been naughty. She was being silly but she didn't mean to pull the curtains down. And her mum had already given her a beating anyway. Surely she didn't need another one.

The living room door was booted down and she knew it was only a matter of moments before he found her.

"Hiding will only make things worse. Come out now and I'll keep my belt on," her dad spat. He must've been in a really bad mood if he used the belt threat.

Tentatively she crawled out from behind the sofa. She didn't want to be hit with that. Her dad had only ever used it on her brother once and he winced for days.

"Right. I think me and you need a little chat," he said simply.

She managed one sentence of a stammered explanation before he pinned her to the side of the sofa and ripped off his belt.

"Maybe next time you won't be so silly," he screamed before unleashing the first hit. A white-hot pain exploded on her backside and she screamed loudly.

"Stop. Please stop," she begged desperately. He ignored her and struck a total of ten times. It was only short compared to other punishments but it stung worse than anything she'd ever experienced.

Now that he'd dropped the leather weapon to the floor, he began an assault with his hands. He screamed and yelled calling her stupid and selfish and every name under the sun. He wasn't holding back and he wasn't scared to see his daughter suffer.

After what felt like an eternity, he landed a single smack to the back of her head and stopped.

She was in pieces. She cried and cried, screamed and screamed, yelled and yelled.

"Will you stop this silly fuss! You're nine years old not some little baby," he growled. This only fuelled on her tears and soon he got bored of her screaming.

Yanking her arm so hard she felt like it was going to pop out of its socket, he dragged her all the way upstairs.

"Forget about dinner. Naughty girls go to bed with an empty stomach and a sore bum," he spat.

It just wasn't meant to be. She needed Amanda. She climbed out of bed, her limbs going crazy as she shook and shuddered, all of the pain still as fresh now as it was eight years ago.

Amanda was still awake and wasn't too surprised when a small figure appeared at her door. Without needing an explanation, she got out of bed and made her way towards it.

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