introduction (can be skipped)

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Thanks for giving this book a chance ,, i appreciate all the readers even the mute readers who took liking to this book ,, basically this idea popped up to my  mind when I couldn't find a book(completed one) in Wattpad which did have prathivindhya as protogonist ,,,or that of other upapandavas ,, I decided after a giving a lot of thaught to write this book so the people who are like me out there won't feel the disappointment I did ,,(:


I pray for the following gods for  wellfare of this book and every nar(human) out there ,,before we actually dive into the story
||Narayna nara chaivam namakruthum narothamum||
( I pray the lord of focus maharathi arjuna to give everyone focus and strength in life )

||Saraswathi namsthubhyam vardhegyanarupini vidyarambhum karishyami siddirbavathu mesadha||
( I pray lord Saraswathi to bless with knowledge our in life )

||Vasudeva sutha devam kamsa charuna mardhanam devaki paramanandam Krishna vandhe jagathgurum||
( oh lord Krishna the son of vasudeva and devaki your the one and only god this whole multiverse ! Oh u mighty one )

||Vasudeva sutha devam kamsa charuna mardhanam devaki paramanandam Krishna vandhe jagathgurum||( oh lord Krishna the son of vasudeva and devaki your the one and only god this whole multiverse ! Oh u mighty one )

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Next update will be on the face claim ( readers will also will have chance to add their one face claim for the characters)


Please do not copy my work ,, 🙏
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Dhanyawad sakha/sakhi /Mata for the support 🥺🙏 it means a lot

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