Chapter 16

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"I don't know what to do, Bianca. How am I supposed to help her when she's ignoring me?"

"Katherine, she's probably not ignoring you," Bianca replied, not caring enough to even look at the other witch.

"It's been days since she last came out of her room. She won't even talk to me," Katherine revealed.

"Well, is what she said true? Are you really only helping her just so you could fix your mistakes?"

"Truth be told, yeah, it is, but that doesn't mean I don't care about her."

"Put yourself in her shoes, Katherine," Bianca advised, finally turning to face her. "She's just a girl whose mother has been missing for more than half her life."

"Bianca, I'm not going to apologize. Especially since I'm the one that's right."

Bianca sighed, turning back around to her table. "You're hearing my words, but you're not listening to them," she said, not even bothering to hide her calm but irritated tone.

Bianca then furrowed her brows, realizing something. "Did Cassie's powers ever evolve like they were supposed to?" she asked.

Katherine shook her head although Bianca wasn't even facing her. "No, I don't think so. The only thing that's evolved over the years was her control. Other than that, she was still at the same level she was when she first got her powers."

"Her powers were supposed to evolve on her sixteenth birthday," Bianca muttered though loud enough for the other witch to hear.

Katherine sighed. "I know. I was worried at first, but she seemed to be doing just fine."

"See, that's the thing with you, Katherine," Bianca said, turning to face her again as her voice started to raise. "You see these things that are happening to her, and you don't do anything. You just stand by and let her be in pain. And now, you just suddenly want to help her now? No wonder she doesn't trust you. You lead yourself on thinking that none of what happened to her was your fault when in reality, it is."

"How is it my fault?"

"This wouldn't be happening to her if you hadn't committed suicide in the first place. And you can keep using the excuse that you were doing it to protect her and her family. But mind you that she did the exact same thing for her friends. Except hers actually had purpose. What did your suicide do for her besides keep her safe from you? Huh?"

"I..." she cut herself off, averting her eyes from Bianca's gaze to the tiled floor. "I don't know..."

"Then you have your answer," Bianca said. "Fix things with your daughter before it's too late."

"But how? I don't even know how to fix whatever's going on with her powers."

"Yes, you do, Katherine. You just want to find another way that won't end up with you dying." She cut Katherine off just as she opened her mouth to say something. "Don't make the same selfish mistake twice."

She turned back around to her table to organize the rest of her shop items. The two stayed in silence as Katherine thought about what Bianca said to her.


Katherine got home, taking off her coat as she threw her keys aside.

"Hello, Katherine," a voice said a few feet away.

She turned to where the voice came from and saw that it was Cassie. She was petting Luna while sitting in the armchair as if she had been waiting for her to come back home.

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