RainyFriend's 18:A cold hunt!

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Little godzilla:Are you going to tell me how we're gonna do this? We have no form of transportation, besides you know my dad..he-

Shin form 3:Dude! You're like 16 now.

Little godzilla:Only 16. Not even an adult yet, still two years away..

Little godzilla-2:You two! No worries! There is a form of transportation, I'm pretty sure. Clover's cousin might have one.

Little godzilla:You think that selfish bastard is gonna let us use one of his vehicles?

Little godzilla-2:No need to ask him, when you can just steal one!

Shin form 3:Are you crazy!? He'll kill us if he finds out!

-Little godzilla nodded-

Little godzilla-2:Really? You just called him a selfish bastard, if he's so annoying, what has he done for you guys?

Little godzilla-2:Not really much..but that does not make sense.

Little godzilla-2:Exactly! He's done nothing for you! So why not take this opportunity? I you want clover back.

Shin form 3:How do we find this dumb vehicle..?

Little godzilla:Let's just get out of here..the breeze is very cold..I may know where one of his vehicles are.

-With Hawkeye-

Hawkeye:This stupid trail he left! It leads to nothing..so where Is that stupid snow-lizard?

???:He may not be here..but I am.

Hawkeye:Who are you?


Hawkeye:Are you an older version of clover?

Godzilla:Ha, yeah I'm the king! Aka older version of past me..apparently years ago me and clover ended up stuck here, he wanted to go back here apparently...who are you?

Hawkeye:Nothing...now leave me alone I have a mission to finish

-Hawkeye ran away-

Clover:He's most definitely a villain.

Godzilla:Well of course! This is happening I our past..so we'd know.

-With the others-

Shin form 3:Who are you?

Zilla:What's up man? Need some help?

Little godzilla:Are you me? You look extremely weird..for a godzilla.

Zilla:Shut up! Do you need help or not.

Little godzilla-2:Yeah..got any transportation vehicles? Specifically air-made ones, we couldn't find one.

Shin form 3:Exactly..I knew it would be hopeless trying to find one from Cloverfield's cousin.

Zilla smirked

Zilla:Well thankfully, I work as a mechanic for a mechanical company. I may be able to help!

Shinform 3:Got any helicopters then?

Zilla:Nah! Those are lame nowadays! I made an invention better a few weeks ago..called HEAVs.

Little godzilla:Aren't those the things that get you to the hollow earth or something like that? You invented those???

Zilla:Well..partially..whatever! You guys need a transportation tool..but before I just mindlessly give you this HEAV why do you need it?

Little godzilla-2:We need it in order to complete a mission nearby Antarctica! After we're done we'll take it back to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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