Ch 59 They Know

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I barge through the halls of UA on my way to the principal's office. I feel a bit bad about throwing up in response to whatever it was Midorinya was saying, but I was in the middle of getting the memories from my spy cat. The one I'd sent with that little girl, Eri.

Of course, the mild guilt is vastly overpowered by the unbridled rage and disgust flowing through me. A shudder runs through my body as the fresh memories flash briefly through my head. How could anyone do that to a child!?

I've seen children in all sorts of conditions, and most of them were less than humane. But what that bastard is doing to her? What he'll keep doing to her if he isn't stopped?

It isn't the first time I've seen a child mutilated, unfortunately. But even then the bastards at least have the decency to treat them afterwards. Usually it's about the cost and effort of getting another child, but it still results in the child's suffering being stopped for the moment. Or they'll let the child die because they aren't profitable anymore. Again, at least they aren't suffering anymore.

But what they don't do is-!

I take a deep breath, taking a moment to try and calm down a bit. The rat is a being of logic. Not emotions. A heartfelt plea won't get me any results to getting that nya-hole raided and the entire flufffin population torn limb from fluffin limb!

Ok, perhaps I'll need more than a moment to get myself back together. I frown as the taste in my mouth suddenly hits me, and I'm acutely aware of the traces of vomit that are left at the corners of my mouth and around my nose.

"Rinse, make yourself purrsentable, and..." My lips pull back in a snarl as I head to the nearest restroom. "Message Himiko the details and that she's allowed to make a bloodbath, nya."


"I'm clawm. I'm clawm. I'll convince Principal Nezu to get a hunt organized. If nyat, I can get the Cult together in a day. She'll be safe before nya next..." I break off my self assurances to take a deep breath in order to focus myself. Squaring my shoulders, I knock on the door, entering at the principal's call to enter.

I see that he's not alone, with Mr. Aizawa leaning against a wall while sending me a death glare. I did leave right before class started, and it did take a while for me to calm down before I came here, so it's understandable that he'd be upset. Though...

My eyes flick to the inactive spy cat he's petting in the crook of his arm and I grimace. By the end of this he's probably going to be much more agitated.

"What can I help you with, Miss Akihiro." Hearing that name once again, I work to hide my distaste for it. I don't bother when All Might calls me it since I'm already working hard on toning down how much of my hatred for him leaks out. At least the two teachers I like call me by my name instead of that fake name.

But it seems that my deception skills aren't enough to fool Principal Nezu when I'm already agitated from the memories I'd gotten. "If you'd prefer, I am able to use your first name." I nod, and he asks again why I'm there before taking a sip of tea.

I take a deep breath. There's really no easy way to ask this, and no way to try and build up to it. It wouldn't work against him anyways, so I'm just going to be direct and hope for the best.

"I'd like a hunt to be organized against the yakuza group knyown as the Shie Hassaikai."

Whatever they were expecting it obviously wasn't that. You wouldn't know by how Nezu reacts, or rather, how he doesn't react. He's sitting the same as before, calmly setting down his tea with a small *clink*. It's Mr. Aizawa's reaction that tells me how they weren't expecting it. But even that is small. Just some surprised blinking and a slight tilt of his head.

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