"What the hell are you doing?" I banged violently on the wooden door but there seemed to be no way to stop what ever was happening inside the small shed right in front of me. "Please stop!" I cried out as I heard how something, or more likely someone, loudly hit the ground.
I slowly slid down the wall of the tiny building and buried my face in my own lap. I felt helpless, I knew that nothing good would come out of this.
Edward, my best friend and occasional lover, had always been one of a kind so to speak. I suppose that was one of the many reasons we had remained so close for over seven years now. It all began when his family moved in next to mine and we started "hanging out" after school. We shared the fascination with things that by others seemed very odd, and sometimes even scary. We saw the beauty in death and fog, we believed in life after this and we never stopped trying to figure out what our purpose in this life was.
As I said, we were friends and "occasional lovers". None of us believed in relationships but felt the need to be touched. To keep our friendship strong and unbreakable was always our top priority, we needed each other to remain sane in the chaos most people choose to call reality. Love would make us weak, and that was not for us.
I was 21 when things started going wrong. Edward changed and I changed with him. I didn't see it at that point but as time passed it became a fact impossible not to notice. We as a team got more and more detached from the rest of the world and somewhere on that road I must have completely lost my self. This whole thing was not only Edward's fault, I had let it go this far and was therefore to blame just as much as him.
Suddenly, after a few minutes of complete silence I could hear how someone, who I assumed was Edward, unlocked the door to the shed. I remained seated on the damp underneath with my eyes closed. Just his breaths assured me it was him, and just as I had thought, he soon sat down next to me. "Why?" I remember asking repeatedly hoping he would give me a relevant answer. "He was bothering you, Liz." He replied and folded his arms around my scattered self. "You know I'm just trying to protect you." He then continued in a now more stern voice. "I know Ed, I know..." I almost whispered back at him and then raised my head only to lay down on Edward's chest. I knew that his answer wouldn't have been good enough in the real world, but in our world it made perfect sense.

Our world
HorrorElisabeth always saw herself as that one girl who would never fit in, that was until she met Edward. Edward became Elisabeth's, or Liz as he always called her, rock and she was his fragile yet good hearted companion. Together they escaped sociaty a...