41. Screw Everything

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As soon as I let myself into my apartment, I marched into my room and threw myself on my bed. My heart ached, but why? Why did I feel this pang in my chest?

No, this was not the emotion I ought to feel. I was supposed to be enraged and angry. Clint had just turned me down and refused to have sex with me. That is enough to make me mad. I did feel rage when I stormed out of his house, but that heightened anger was nowhere to be found again.

The anger I felt earlier was now replaced with a wistful sadness, a solemn feeling that left my heart empty. What could I do to get rid of this feeling? I kicked my heels off and curled up into a foetal position.

My heart felt like it had been hammered and was now falling apart in tiny pieces. My body still tingled. The places he had touched me were still tingling, and it annoyed me greatly. All my plans of spending a great evening with Clint were now null and void.

What was he so frightened of? Having sexual relations with a client? I did not know Clint's work ethic, but I did not think of it as such a big deal. It was a completely separate business from work.

I hugged myself and tried my best to forget the events of tonight, but they probed my mind. I groaned and pushed myself out of bed. I took off my tight dress and put on a light nightgown.

I trudged to the mirror and walked in front of the sink. I blinked at my reflection in the mirror and grimaced at how I looked. My face was smudged with make-up, make-up I had specifically done just for Clint.

Out of anger, I turned the tap on and began to violently splash water on my face. I wanted the make to go off as soon as possible. After a few minutes, I turned the tap off and looked back at the mirror. The make-up was gone, but the water could not wash away the grim look on my face.

I stared at my reflection absentmindedly and let out a tight sigh. I let my hair down and bit my inner lips as my mind trailed back to Clint. The way our meeting ended did not sit right with me. I wanted to see him again and talk about what happened.

I turned on the tap again and wiped my face one last time. I had made up my mind. I was going to see Clint tomorrow.

I drove to Clint's office with one goal in mind. It was not the best idea I had ever come up with, but it did not matter now. I needed to get to the end of this. Although I was extremely nervous, I had steeled my resolve, so there was no going back on this.

It was four hours early before our session when I sauntered into the building. My heels clacked on the marble floor as I approached the front desk. The receptionist at the front desk confusedly gave me a look, checking over the time on the clock.

Her eyes dropped back to mine. "Good morning, Miss Temple. You are four hours early for your session. I am afraid you are going to have to come back in..."

"Is Mr. Homer in?" I cut her off, getting bored with the words that fell from her mouth.

"Yes, he is seeing a client right now." He was seeing a client? I thought I was the only one he was seeing. "If you must see him urgently, then I suggest you..."

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