Chapter 4 - Biscuity

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you can now request songs ! send me a dm with a cool song you like and i'll see if it matches the chapter's theme :D

TW: None

It's been ten days without Levi.

On the first day and second day, I refused to accept she was gone. On the third day, Monkz finally managed to ease the truth into my mind, leaving my body racked with numbness.

On the fourth day, Levi was charged with assault, armed robbery, and criminal possession of a weapon. She pleaded guilty to all charges. On the fifth day, she was sentenced to thirty-eight years in prison, with parole eligible after twelve.

On the sixth day, we started planning to break her out.

It'll be simple, Monkz had said. Like one of our heists. Only this time, it's Levi we're stealing back.

On the ninth day, I started to lose hope. And today, I finally lost it.

"We can't do this," I mutter, shaking my head and slamming my hand down on the table. The very same table Levi sat at not even two weeks ago as we planned that damned bank heist. "It's impossible. The security is unmatched. This isn't like the other heists."

"Are you giving up on her?" Monkz asks incredulously. "After all this time we've spent together?"

"I didn't say that," I retort, but that's exactly what I mean. A horrible part of me knows this is the inevitable truth. "Levi needs us. We have to break her out. But maybe... maybe we can't do it."

"Yes, we can!" Monkz punches the table at the last word. The empty crisp bowl shudders and threatens to topple. "She's never let us down. Never. We can't—"

"Yes, she has," I say quietly.

Monkz whirls on me. "Yeah?" he asks icily. "When? Do tell."

"She basically gave herself up so we can escape," I spit. "She left us. We never leave each other."

"She cares about us more than she cares about herself!" Monkz yells, offended. "You know, I thought you'd respect that. Looks like I was wrong," he sneers.

"Levi didn't know what she was doing. She never did," I tell him coldly.

"Don't talk about her in the past tense!" Monkz roars, slamming both hands on the table in fury. "Don't talk about her like she's dead, because she's not!"

"That we know of!" I exclaim, but he snarls and stands from the table, nearing three inches from my face. I stand too, holding my ground, though he towers over me by at least four inches.

"You know what?" Monkz says in a dangerously quiet voice. "I'm done with you. I don't even know why we picked you up in the first place, we should've just left you. Levi was going to kill you, maybe I should have let her."

I'm shocked. For the first time, I'm completely speechless. When my voice returns, it's surprisingly even.

"Fine," I say, shouldering a duffel bag full of money and my things and heading to the door. "I'm outta here. Don't know why I even put up with you lot in the first place." I grab my keys and kick the door open, hearing it slam shut, and I storm out.

I pause for a moment, half hoping Monkz would come running after me. But he doesn't.

And finally, I turn my back on the only family that's ever accepted me as I stride off into the night, alone. Like it's always been for me.

A.N: Biscuity always came off to me as the hotheaded one, the one that gets angry the fastest. so yea, i made him like this

whoopsie daisies

stay tuned for the next chapter :')

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