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Eric came home today.

I felt happy.

"Elle!" He said putting his arms out.

I felt six all over again.

I went into his tight arms.

I smell the cologne on his neck.

I looked out of the front yard and saw his wife.

I pushed Eric out of the way and hugged Liana. Liana is a model and she won world beauty pageant.

What's even more awesome is that she is English!

"Hello Elina" she said to me.

We all got inside of the house. Eric told us the world's fight, that we all watched on tv.
It was funny seeing Eric again.
I went outside in the back and went on the swings.
"What's up girlish" Eric came outside.
Girlish is Irish and Girl mixed.
He always call me that because I'm white like my mom while he is black like dad.
"Nothing really" I told him.
"Ma told me about... you know"
"Oh she did"
"Yep, that's why on Monday I'm dropping you off to school"
"Oh god please don't"
We both laughed.
My cell rang.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey babes could you please come over"
"Cuz I'm lonely"
"Well we can just talk on the phone right here"
"No I want to see your precious face"
I hanged up on him and rolled my eyes.
"Who was that?" Eric started.
"My... um... boyfriend?"
"What's his name"
"Bradley, Brandon or Brad"
"Why the three names?"
"Those are his nicknames"
"Lemme guess he wants you to come over"
"Are you sure you want to, you know after-"
"That was Blake and I didn't really know him but I know Brandon"
"Ok, I'll drop you off to him then"
"Thank you"
Eric told mom that he's dropping me off to Brad.
She was ok with that.
I got into Eric's car and we drove off singing old country songs and all songs of the 80's.
Once we got to the house my brother rang the doorbell.
"You know I can handle myself" I told Eric.
"Oh I know I just don't know if he can"
The door opened and I saw Brandon with makeup all over his face and we'll a dress.
"This is so not what it looks like" he said.
Brad let both Eric and me in.
I went onto the couch and I saw this girl about twelve and is wearing a bikini top with short shorts on sleeping.
"Um..." I said.
"Oh that's Donna she's from L.A and she game to visit so you didn't see her at the Baby Shower. Ps she's my cousin"
I nodded my head.
"So... your Bradley"

Brandon POV

Ok so this guy is black... yet he looks like Elina.
"Yes I'm Bradley, but only my grandfather calls me that, you can call me Brandon or even friendlier Brad" I said smiling.
But this guy seems emotionless.
Elina came up behind me.
"Oh Eric stop scaring him"
"I'm not scared of him"
"Oh you should be"
"So Eric what do you think of him?" She asked him.
"Where you come from?" He asked me.
"What kind of life you've got"
"My mom's divorced with my dad, my sister is pregnant, I was sexually assaulted by both genders and I'm pretty smart and protective which certain things"
"Sexually assaulted?"
"Yeah... I used to be... um... gay?"
"So your straight"
"Do you love my sister"
"Yes very much sir"
"Will you take care of her"
"Yes sir"
"Will you make sure she gets back home safely and the way she was when she entered the house"
"Yes sir"
Eric turned to Elina and kissed her on her forehead
"If Bradley over here does anything to you, you will call me ok?"
"Yes Eric"
He left the house closing the door.
I let out a breath of air not realizing that I was holding it.
"Your brother is very intimidating" I said
"What does he mean by that?"
"It means he doesn't want me with a baby or hurt"
If ya'll don't like Mature stuff you may skip and I shall tell you when to stop

Elina and I just went into the room and talked about random stuff.
"So why did you say you was lonely" she asked.
"I kinda was and I wanted company"
I also was tortured by wearing girl clothes thank god I took that off.
I looked at Elina, she had pretty eyes and I loved them very much.
I loved her period.
I couldn't resist but I kissed her on the lips

Elina POV

We kissed for about five minutes now.
"Hey Elina"
"Could we... um..."
"You know..."
"Oh... but"
"I know but I'm..."
"Oh... um..."
It took a while for me to say yes after Blake.
I've never actually took off my clothes before for a boy and I've never had a boy take his off because he actually likes me.
It felt painful for a while then it was pleasure.
I don't understand why would anyone want to have sex with me for love.
No one ever has.
Who would have sex with a fat girl.
The first time I met Brandon, I thought he was cute but I didn't dare to follow my feelings.
He was the one who had feelings for me.
He was the reason why I'm not dead.
"Go harder"
"Uh huh"
Brandon, a guy who takes drugs and smokes for the fun of it, drinks when he is depressed and has a messed up life.
Did he just cum inside me.
"Oh fuck"

You may stop now

Brandon looked at me suprised.
"Did you just said fuck?"
"I haven't heard you say that word in a while"
"Oh shut up"
The door opened there I saw Donna.
Her eyes grew big and her mouth to the floor.
"Ooh, I'm telling Auntie" she said.
"Please don't ma will kill me"
"Not my fault your having sex and I stopped by"
"Your supposed to be asleep"
"Yeah well if you two wasn't moaning so loud I actually would go"
She rolled her eyes.
"Hi I'm Donna" she said.
"I'm Elina"
"DONNA GET THE FUCK OUT" Brandon yelled.
"Alright alright, we'll talk later Elina"
I put on my clothes even though my pantie will be messed up for sure.
Brandon put on his clothes and took his sheets and put them in the wash.
I gave him an eyebrow.
"It's to hide the evidence"
I laughed when he said that.
"You have a nice penis btw"
"Thank you"
Found out... it's actually pretty big...
I went into the living room area.
Donna over here watching Teen Wolf.
"Hi Eli" she said.
"Hi Don"
"So... your dating my cuz"
"And you have sex with him, is this your first time?"
"Sadly no"
"Ha slut"
I frowned.
Brandon slapped Donna behind the head.
"Ow! That hurt you know" she said.
"I know, you shouldn't be calling others a slut when you've been sucking dick" he said
"Sorry Eli"
"Wait, are you serious" I asked
"Yep I suck boys dicks, mostly highschoolers, I've even done little Brady over here he was my first"
I my eyes widen.
Brandon hit Donna again this time I actually heard the hit.
"Elina, don't believe that she's never even seen it before"
I laughed.
The front door opened.
I saw Brandon's mom, sister and I believe his aunt.
"Brandon had sex in his room" Donna blurted.
Then I saw his sisters boyfriend with a baby.
"So not only am I going to be a mother I'll be an aunt just great" Melissa said.
"How would you know if he used a condom?" Jason the father of the baby and boyfriend of Melissa said.
"He's allergic to the plastic" three of the girls says.
"I'm terribly sorry Elina" Sasha said.
"Oh don't be... I actually gave him permission" I said.
Brandon looked up and smiled.
Brandon was grounded and is not aloud to see me unless it's school hours.
My mother and Eric said that I'm also grounded and is not aloud to be alone at all when walking out of school.
Great how beautiful.

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