RohiRat and Aaryan

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   Rohit like Virat no not Like but actually he is in love with him. Virat also love him madly and possesive for him. "Why the fuck that Pollard was asking you to share Room?" Virat asked as he entered in Rohit's hotel room. Rohit was already tired and irritated so instead of Calmly explaining the matter he said he said, "Kyu Tujhse matlab? I can't share room with my friends and Team mate."

Vi was taken back and Was hurt, "Of course You can. It's Just..." Vi was about to Said something when Ro added, "it just What? Har baar ka hai tera. " Ro leave the Room in anger. Vi tried to follow him but he Can't as He had Sprained Ankle during Practice.

Vi tried To Contact him but Rohit was not answering Call. The insecurity which Was growing slowly In Vi's mind was getting Worst. Of Course Vi trust His Ro but thought of Ro will be happy With Someone Else making him more Insecure. When Vi Leave room He saw Ro with Pollard and Just leave quitely.

He was walking slowly At same time Someone stop the Car. "Vi " the person Uttered.

" aari " Vi said and Fainted due To Overstress.

"Kiddo, Wake Up" the other Person Said meanwhile Aari check him, "Daksh ,He has Fever let's Take Him To nearby Hotel So we can Check him cause Idk if there is Good Hospital Nearby." Aari said Worried.

They bring Vi back to MI's hotel. "Is There Is any room available? "

"Sorry sir there is Not. " receptionist Said but At Same time MI team's Doctor was there.

"Aaryan, What Are You doing here? Is he Virat? " the Doc Asked.

"Yes Phana , Please 🥺 help us To check Him He has Fever." Daksh Said.

They bring Vi to Pha's room and Check. Aari give him injection.

On The other side

When Rohit Come back he Saw Empty Room and Untouched food. He regret his words instantly as He remember the fight. He tried To Contact Vi but he Was Not answering phone. He got worried.

"Vii , please pick up Call. I swear I will never Hurt u again." Ro whispered he decided in morning He will go to RCB hotel.

In Morning

Vi wakes up And Found himself surrounded by 3 people whom he didn't Meet In very long time. "Aari, DB,P'Pha " Vi Called.

"Kiddo, You woke Up." DB said. Vi smiled At him.

"Tu khud ka khayal nahi Rakh sakta? Tujhe pata hai hum log kitna dar Gaye they? " Aari scolded him.

"Don't Scold Him " DB said and Pha rolled his Eyes And Call Rohit as he knows they both Are Close Friend.

Rohit who got Call from Pha Rushed To Vi. He has Questions but He focus on Vi.

"Ok now Eat something cheeku" Daksh Said as he feed Vi. Vi was Cuddling Aari and DB while Pha Was Out.

"No aari tell him." Vi said as He didn't want To eat without His Ro.

"You have to" Daksh said As he was about to feed Vi someone snatch plate from him. Rohit who just came felt extremely jealous at scene infront him and Snatch plate.

"Vi please Eat for Me. I am Sorry I hurt you but Please Eat na." Ro said as He feed Vi who eats It.

"U also eat." vi feed him Back. Well 2 guys were busy in glaring at Ro and Vi notice it. "Ro, Meet Aari I mean Aaryan and Daksh my DB." VI introduce and Ro felt Jealous when Vi called Daksh his.

"What Happened to You, Vi ? How come you are Here?" Ro asked.

"He is Sick " Aari said and Daksh Explain everything and Ro become Guilty.

" I am Really sorry Vi , it's all my fault. I am Sorry." Ro said Regreting the fight. "I realised how Wrong I am Vi ,I am sorry " Vi smiled accepting forgiveness.

Soon Our RohiRat were alone. Ro recive Call from Polly and Vi saw it. Ro was Ready to Calm his Jealous Vi but Vi didn't react. "Vi what happened?"

"Nothing Ro , You should answer Call" Vi Said.

"Vi why are you not Reacting? I know you hate when someone call in our time Specially if it's Polly" Ro asked

"I don't want to trouble you with my stupid insecurity and Jealousy. " vi Said

"They are not Stupid hell even I have them. Do you know I hated that Daksh and Aari were with You all instead of me I was jealous. I am sorry Vi if I make You feel that way. " Ro said and Vi look at Polly again calling His Bf he disconnected it. " you are only mine." vi said possesively and Kiss Him. "Only yours." Ro reply.

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