Sold to the Highest Bidder

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"No arguing now. We have to get home and find that damn blood promise. I'm asking Suho for a favor." Chan interrupted the two, grabbing the twitching body, and sliding it out the back doors onto the road. The surrounding area seemed silent enough, but he didn't want to chance it- he'd already be paying enough for the damage done to the rental and more enemies could be coming at any moment. "We're leaving the van here. Changbin? On my back. Seungmin, you can run ahead and make sure nothing is waiting to ambush us. Jinnie? Carry Jisung. 'Lix, stay a little behind and watch for anything following."

"You want to run the rest of the way?" Hyunjin asked, already pulling the human's arms around his neck.

"No. I want to smoke step the rest of the way."

All three of the younger vampires froze, staring at him.

"It's too fast. They'll be torn up or something." Felix whined.

"That's what they said about women when they first invented trains. And just like then- I think they'll be okay, as long as they don't let go." Chan forced Changbin's head down flat against the top of his shoulder, running fingers through the dark strands of his hair. "Just in case, I'll test it first. Only ten meters."

"Jesus Christ, Channie. What if you hurt him?" Hyunjin fretted.

Chan tried to look confident. "I won't. Hold on tight. This might feel weird." He raced forward, feeling the lurch of his humanity catching on in surprise. There was a click as Changbin's joints resettled in each shoulder, but they made it the ten meters just fine.

No one attacked them again, and because they'd smoke stepped the rest of the way, they still had hours until daylight. Hyunjin got some food started for the humans and Seungmin armed the place with their improved security. Holy water foam- to stick to the skin- stakeguns lining the ceiling, a multitude of blades that would shoot up from the floor.

Having a hunter as a donor proved to be useful.

Felix ran to find the letter and Chan called Jungkook first- hoping he'd have news.

The vampire seemed reluctant to say much. "There is a... private auction."


"Tomorrow night. Not too far from our second house." His voice was genuine. Serene.

"Is there any way to-"

"No." Jungkook cut in. "We do not partake in their madness. You may come by and speak to Jin, but he will say the same. I'm sorry. I know you would only ask if you needed it, but there is nothing we can do."

"...Alright. Thank you for the information. Take care of yourself."

"You as well."

As soon as he hung up, he squeezed the phone until it nearly broke, only stopping when he remembered that he had another call to make.

Suho answered on the fifth ring.


"I need your help."


Suho was standing outside when they rolled up, his hands clasped professionally before him. Chan jumped out of the car while it was still moving, ignoring Changbin's worried hiss and Hyunjin's glare. They only brought the human because they were cutting it so close to daytime. But they needed an answer now.

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