As they all went to their base, Marionna said goodbye's to all of them and teleported back to their hideout. Everyone was tired and slept in their beds. Dongyu, as usual he hugs Kai in their bed tightly not letting him go. Kai was happy that someone and alot of people cared about him. But he was worried when they go back to the original world will they still cared about me, he said worrying. "Well I should rest theres alot more things we will do tommorow" he mumbled lowly. He then closed his eyes slowly and fell asleep with Dongyu peacefully.END OF RECAP:
Kai and the others woke up from their exhausted day yesterday. They went to the kitchen and prepared their food, Kai did that cooking Eloise bring the ingredients Zychon and Dongyu prepared the table. Kai finished cooking and Eloise helped him to put all their food down the table. He made pancakes with maple syrup adding some whip cream, Bacons, eggs, and lastly fresh fruits for all of them. They all eat together on the table, they shared stories and laugh together like they are a family. They always tease each other specially Kai because he is always shy and blush thats why he is always an easy target to tease jokely.
After they eat Dongyu and Zychon rest on the couch while Kai and Eloise washed the dishes. Eloise always complain to them being lazy, while Kai just chuckled softly and replied to her calm herself down plus they are boys anyways. Eloise said "you a boy to Kai why aren't you like them anyways?" Kai replied
"well I dont really like being lazy and not taking my self properly thats why im doing my best in here and at the original world". Eloise didn't had a chance to say anything just smiled and nods at Kai politely.They finished washing and they all rest at the couch. The moment Eloise and Kai sat down The boys hugs them tightly trying to annoy them. They both tickles them, Eloise and Kai were laughing together. The boys had their fun and stopped. Eloise said "You guys are jerks" he said with a sigh. Zychon and Dongyu just laughed at Eloise making her angry. Kai looked at the time and it was 10:00 in the morning they should go now. They all packed their things and grabbed their weapons before leaving. As always Eloise locks their base so that no one can even come inside. While walking and exploring they tells stories not making them bored. The part that Kai is about to tell a story he used his passed life in the original world and just change the name so that they wont recognize it. While telling the story his friends was crying how dramatic happen on his story. Eloise said "you're good making sad stories Kai I promised you that" wiping her tears with her palm. Zychon sniffs and tries to maintain positive composure, Dongyu did the same as Zychon did. Kai laughed at them making them cry but he didn't mind at all plus it's the past why would bother right?
They saw A young boy standing backwards at the path holding a dead dog on the neck. Kai and the others stopped and look at the boy clearly. They saw black aura making their spines shivers. As the boy look behind him, his head moved backwards not the body. Kai identified that thee kid is the god of Games.
Eloise said "well im not surprise about it because his a kid why wouldn't he be the god of games if his a kid". They all agreed until the boy raised both of his hand and slams it in the ground making the four of them pulled down. The force was so hard their head will break. The boy laughed and said "having fun?!!!" Dongyu replied "Of course not dumbass!!"
The boy got angry Dongyu calling him a (dumbass). The god of games making an orb and smash it on the ground making an arena, it was a circus arena with the god of manipulation and Lauvy joining the game.
The god introduced himself that he was Sai the god of games and the god of manipulation is Balzo. Sai gave instruction about the game is, it was a 3 vs 4 game. They will have each 5 minutes capturing and saving their members if ever get caught. If you got caught you will be trapped on the enemies cage, if the your team is about to attack they can touch the cage of the enemy to free you but there will be one player that will be a tagger as well as an enemy. The first team that has a wipe out wins. There will be 5 rounds the last turn will be on Kai's group. Sai lastly said "May the best group win."
It was Kai's part to attack, The gods ran and fly everywhere trying not to get caught. There was no rules on the game so they can try to kill each other if they want to. Kai requested that they need to separate so that they can catch one by one of them. Kai was catching Sai but unfortunately Sai cast a skill naming
"Nuclear Jack!" The jack on a box is automatical playing itself. Kai caught it and it exploded infront of him. The announcer said only 2 minutes till the gods can attack. He tries to use the rings but it wont allow anyone to participate more players. Sai was laughing evilly and cast another spell named
"FIRE CRACKERS!" Small particles flew Kai's directions smells it, he smelled like it was gas until he heard Sai said "IGNITE". Kai went fired all over his body screaming in pain, he tries to remove the fire still no use until the time ran out and Sai tagged him. He was sent to the enemies cage alone and the fire were gone and healed him instantly there. He thought, a think this god has a bit nice thing on his side a bit but Kai didn't let his good side show first. Dongyu and the others ran quickly trying not to gett tagged. Zychon enters the enemies base trying to save Kai. Lauvy was guarding and laughs at Zychon. He said to her "Your such a bitch" Lauvy got angry and charge at Zychon. He immidietly went downwards so that he can pass through Lauvy. Zychon pressed the cage saving Kai, the announcer said Lauvy is eliminated, she was sent to Kai's cage. Eloise is the one who is guarding the cage, Time up to the gods side it was Kai's turn to attack. The god of manipulation cast a skill named
"Electro SHOCK" making all of us stun for minutes. Eloise was the only one not getting stunned because of the Kai's base. Eloise used alot of barricade's so that they wont get inside.Sai used alot of his powers breaking the shield yet still didn't work. While Sai was busy trying to save Lauvy, Kai stood up and tries to assist
Eloise. 2 rounds has passed it was Kai and Sai only on the battle field. Kai only has 3 minutes before times up. Sai was laughing devilishly making Kai furious. Kai found away to win and he did it carefully. He walked towards Sai saying he want to surrender, Sai didn't allow it screaming "THAT NOT FAIR FINISH THE GAME!!" he said with a large of anger builds up to him. Kai walked slowly towards him trying to manipulate him and about to touch him. Sai was screaming wanting to continue the game until he was touch on the shoulder. Sai said "w..wait what..." The announcer said "Game over the challenger wins the game"
Sai was defeated and his body starts to shake. Few minutes has passed he turned back to be a normal god. Lauvy and Balzo was teleported back to their base when the game was over. Sai was crying like a baby apologizing what he did to the innocent people and to them. Kai tries to calm him down plus he was still a kid and he will learn alot when he grows up. Sai promised that he will make it up for Kai and the other. He gave a key so that if he ever needs help he will show immidietly on the fight.After Sai left they saw that Kai's rings turn into keys just like Sai gave to him. Zychon made a metal hoop just a small one so that he can store the keys there and it will be safe. They all went exploring again, they are tired just a bit but they can still manage fighting the spirits or the gods they can see on the road. While walking they saw some crystals on the road.
Zychon immidietly ran towards it and Kai screamed "ZYCHON NO!". Zychon fell from the trap, he was netted upside down. It was The god of manipulation, the net he made was highly unbreakable unless he breaks the spell of the net.They all backed off and felt a horrible smell from the god's aura. Kai thinking what to do, He then saw the god of wisdom trying to shrink the net to slice Zychon inside. Kai said to the god "what do you want..." it replied
"you're soul...." Kai didn't had a chance to talk when he heared what he said. Kai challenges the god in a 1 vs 1 Kai wins the god lets go of Zychon, but if the god wins he will take Kai's soul. Kai's friends were stunned for what Kai did the deal but they can't do anything because Zychon was in Danger. The God of wisdom introduced himself that he is Einue, Kai was shaking what will ever happen if he lose. Einue did the first move to attack summoning evil spirits underground. The spirits about to attack Kai, He uses his whip to slice and cut their bodies in half. Einue was impressed but didn't let him win the fight, he cast a spell named "ICEBERG" it rained heavily and large amount of ice towards Kai. Einue used immunity from the ice preventing to get hurt, Kai found away using his rage can make fire to the whip. He tries to get angry sitting down getting hit with the ice, he start to bleed and his breath was getting hot. His. veins on his forhead showing and looked at Einue raging.
The whip showed flames and a bit of lava dripping. Einue didn't care if that was painful he know that he can still win, Kai ran towards Einue slicing every ice block hitting him in half until he jumped and wrapped the whip in the waist of Einue causing it to bleed. H screamed in pain trying to escape but can't. Kai tried to calmed down himself so that he can focus to get him back to normal. Einue summoning spirits everywhere breaking the rules the spirits attacking his friends. Kai immidietly poured the blue crystal dust in his head too. body making scream in pain. Kai tries to ignore the screaming so that he can focus saving him from the curse.Few minutes has passed until The god of wisdom came back to his original self. He offered his key to Kai to be his ally. For weeks of saving and exploring they saved 3 gods and gave trusted them. Einue remove the net and freeing Zychon. They all were happy that one by one of the gods they save. They will get stronger and defeat the god of death sooner or later. They know it trust and hope is what they need to survive. They all went to their base to rest. They all thought, what if one of them dies? can we still get out of this world? Well they tried to ignore it because they were scared that if it will ever happen. After that they all sleep together peacefully for an another day exploring.
*2076 WORDS*

Unknown Gift
HorrorA Student that got dragged into an unknown world that where evil spirits live in.